CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

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Is that the new cta_ft_featured_threads_page_title phrase @MattW?

It looks great.

You could probably even change the route filter to just /feedback, if you wanted.
Is that the new cta_ft_featured_threads_page_title phrase @MattW?

It looks great.

You could probably even change the route filter to just /feedback, if you wanted.
Yep, I changed that and cta_ft_featured_threads to change the navigation text in the sub navigation menu.

I'll look into that for 2.1

It shouldn't be doing that.
I'm not sure if it's actually something on my server setup, as I've tried changing it back to threads/feedback, and it's still pointing to featured again. Think something is caching somewhere.

EDIT: not my end, restarted php-fpm and it's not taking the route filter at all now :confused:
How would I remove the Featured Thread link from the submenu?
View attachment 68452

Un tick the following option:


If you want to hide the link without disabling the page, hide it with css display: none;
If you just want to remove the link but make the page available still, the easiest way is probably just to disable the template modification.


If you want to remove the page completely, then uncheck the option as oman suggested.
Any plans for adding the options to display the first picture in the post instead of the avatar?

Looking for the same.

From the FAQ http://xenforo.com/community/resources/cta-featured-threads.2599/field?field=faq

Q. Can an image other than the author's avatar be displayed
A. No. A suggestion has been made to allow custom images but a decision has not yet been made as to whether this will be implemented in a future version.
The code, templating and CSS are all geared around the thread author avatar.
Changing that to use any other image, whether uploaded or pulled from the post content, would require many changes.

Personally I don't think the amount of work required is worth it so I'm leaning towards no.
Changing that to use any other image, whether uploaded or pulled from the post content, would require many changes.
This is probably a stupid question, but perhaps it would be possible for this addon to use thread thumbnails, but only in case thumbnails by waindigo is also installed. Perhaps this would require less changes?
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