CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
For anyone who is using Widget Framework, if you want to have the WF widgets on the Featured Threads page, just add cta_featuredthreads_featured to the position in each of your WF widgets. You can then switch off the Featured Thread blocks (Options > CTA Featured Threads and Appearance > Style Properties > CTA Featured Threads Page) to save on some database queries. :)

OK, so the right Input to the Positions Field will be: "forum_list, cta_featuredthreads_featured"?

One other option is to put the XMG slider on the Featured Threads portal page and leave the featured threads blocks on the forum_list. I've posted a guide on how to do this on the XMG website. In addition, see the FAQs for this add-on which links to my post on using Featured Threads with Widget Framework.

OK, i will try that. I have to wait until Brogan responds to my PM & tell me where i should send the Money for this cool Addon.

Thx for your help.
OK, so the right Input to the Positions Field will be: "forum_list, cta_featuredthreads_featured"?
If you want WF on both the forum view and Featured Threads pages then yes, that is correct. You can see it working on my site (link in signature).
Thanks Paul, would be good to have additional feature on feature update to be able to update the feature date or something.
Is this because you want updated featured threads to appear at the top of the list?

If so, you can unfeature and feature again.
Brogan updated CTA Featured Threads & Portal with a new update entry:


It is now possible for members to dismiss featured threads from the forum list, forum view and new / recent posts pages.
Any dismissed threads will still show on the main Featured Threads page.

This is achieved by clicking the [Dismiss Featured Thread] link on the block.
View attachment 75397

Which will in turn result in a confirmation overlay.
View attachment 75398

This is only possible if the featured thread is dismissible.
When featuring or updating there is the option to make...

Read the rest of this update entry...
It has been suggested before so it's on the list but I can't make any promises if or when it will make it.
This update contains some nice features. If I update from 2.2.0, will I have to redo all of my customizations?
Is there a way to include the "editor" in the message box. I don't like using BBCode.
No, that would require additional development.

This update contains some nice features. If I update from 2.2.0, will I have to redo all of my customizations?
If you have modified any templates which have changed since 2.2, they will be marked as outdated and you will need to merge the changes or revert and re-edit.

You can see a list of all changes since 2.2 by looking at the change log for each release.

You will also need to follow the instructions in red in some of the releases, due to breaking changes.
Ahm, could please somebody tell me, why all my Featured Threads are with white Backround? This dont looks good on Dark Styles.

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