CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Have a look at Style Properties: CTA Featured Threads Blocks.

If you want the page to look the same as the blocks, copy all of the settings from there.

But which setting? I'm interested in getting the blocks on the featured page to be the same height that they used to be. I would think the setting is in "container," but I don't see any value in there.
Thread Content (Avatar)
Thread Content (Icon)
Thread Text (Avatar)
Thread Text (Icon)

Copy the settings for all of those from CTA Featured Threads Blocks to CTA Featured Threads Page.
If using Nodes as Tabs, it's possible.
So possible to:
1) Have the index page of the site i.e www.domain.com display the FT page?
2) The index page to have the Home navigation menu name
3) When people click to other navigation items, the home page is available to be clicked (to take you back to the FT addon page)

Has anyone done this?
Thread Content (Avatar)
Thread Content (Icon)
Thread Text (Avatar)
Thread Text (Icon)

Copy the settings for all of those from CTA Featured Threads Blocks to CTA Featured Threads Page.

Ugh. This is very confusing to me. I just don't see any settings in there that would influence the height of the blocks. The differences I see are to icons and avatars (96px vs 102px, for example).

In CTA Featured Threads Settings, you have a Feature Overlay Maximum Height and Update Overlay Maximum Height setting on the main Settings page. Why not have a similar setting for the block height on the CTA Featured Threads Page settings section?
I have told you what you need to do if you want the page blocks to look the same as the blocks on the other pages.
I have told you what you need to do if you want the page blocks to look the same as the blocks on the other pages.

I did it and it works. There ought to be an easier way, as suggested.

Another issue: On the enable icon option of the cta featured threads main options page, there's this: If the width and height values are changed, the corresponding Style Property values (ctaFtIconPage) should also be changed to match, to avoid uploaded images being scaled.


What is "ctaFtIconPage"?
Avatars are defined as 102px, while icons as 96px on Style Properties: CTA Featured Threads Blocks

Why two different sizes?

And should "enable icon option" of "cta featured threads main options page" be 102 or 96?
There ought to be an easier way, as suggested.
Feel free to completely rewrite all of the HTML, CSS and templates.

It has been developed like this to make it as flexible as possible.
Not so it's a one-click change.
Feel free to completely rewrite all of the HTML, CSS and templates.

It has been developed like this to make it as flexible as possible.
Not so it's a one-click change.

Well, I'm just giving you honest feedback. I appreciate your efforts. But you probably should listen to your users, since their feedback comes at a cost, too--their time. Tech people aren't always good at listening--I worked at enough software houses to know. That's probably why there are business dev people and tech people, and the two sides work on different planets/offices.

Another issue: on the featured threads page, when you click an avatar, you see the user profile. When you click an icon inserted by the thread featurer, however, you are taken to the thread. I would think that, to be consistent, you would also see the author's profile, regardless of whether the profile has an avatar.
Well, I'm just giving you honest feedback. I appreciate your efforts. But you probably should listen to your users, since their feedback comes at a cost, too--their time. Tech people aren't always good at listening--I worked at enough software houses to know. That's probably why there are business dev people and tech people, and the two sides work on different planets/offices.

Yes, Brogan should and does listen to the users of this add-on. So here's my opinion - it's great just the way it is. It's very flexible in how it can be styled to suit anyone's needs - all that is required is a modicum of intelligence and actually being bothered to read and digest the detailed information given at each update.

Another issue: on the featured threads page, when you click an avatar, you see the user profile. When you click an icon inserted by the thread featurer, however, you are taken to the thread. I would think that, to be consistent, you would also see the author's profile, regardless of whether the profile has an avatar.
This is consistent with how Xenforo behaves - clicking on an icon in Resources takes you to the Resource, not the author's profile.
Yes, Brogan should and does listen to the users of this add-on. So here's my opinion - it's great just the way it is. It's very flexible in how it can be styled to suit anyone's needs - all that is required is a modicum of intelligence and actually being bothered to read and digest the detailed information given at each update.

Look, buddy, your insulting my intelligence is noted--and not appreciated. I have plenty of it, maybe more than you do, since I don't even know who you are. I do know that my opinion counts as much as yours. Brogan can use us as two data points.
Look, buddy, your insulting my intelligence is noted--and not appreciated. I have plenty of it, maybe more than you do, since I don't even know who you are. I do know that my opinion counts as much as yours. Brogan can use us as two data points.
I made a simple statement, I wasn't insinuating you weren't intelligent but if you wish to take it that way then so be it.
I did it and it works. There ought to be an easier way, as suggested.

Another issue: On the enable icon option of the cta featured threads main options page, there's this: If the width and height values are changed, the corresponding Style Property values (ctaFtIconPage) should also be changed to match, to avoid uploaded images being scaled.


What is "ctaFtIconPage"?
Avatars are defined as 102px, while icons as 96px on Style Properties: CTA Featured Threads Blocks

Why two different sizes?

And should "enable icon option" of "cta featured threads main options page" be 102 or 96?

It sounds as if you are having similar issues I had - read the thread from here on - http://xenforo.com/community/threads/cta-featured-threads-paid.64261/page-58#post-756793 not sure if I added my findings to how I figured it out. If not- I will try to add it later if you don't figure it out yourself.
And relax...

The expansive Style Properties make this one of the most flexible add-ons available.

That does mean though that if you want to customise it, it will take some effort on your behalf to do so.
Ironically, without the Style Properties it would be even harder to customise as you would need to edit the templates.

Hundreds of customers are happy with it the way it is so I won't be making any changes to the approach I have taken from the start.
From what I understand @jauburn , If you want the FT block to be less so its not a really long looking block which changed in the new update, you need to delete some content which automatically shortens the entire block the more you remove content.

As far as avatars and icons, unfortunately an avatar cannot be change as far as size, so you will need to downsize your icons to match your avatar size which I think is 102px as where the icon is 192px. Or, use all icons to keep the images uniform on the FT page.
I really appreciate this addon and it's extra features that help in organizing content that can't fit, or don't work well in an article, wiki, review, etc. Love this addon the way it is. Thanks Brogan. :)

I also like the fact that you take into account people's suggestions, even if they are not practical. One of my favorite addons to "watch" because of how responsive, patient and intuitive you are, and how you handle your customers. Two thumbs up from me! (y)(y)
Hundreds of customers are happy with it the way it is so I won't be making any changes to the approach I have taken from the start.
Glad to hear it. This addon is possibly one of the easiest to customise because of the amount of work you've put into the Style Properties. Anyone who takes that few minutes to read through the addon details in the main resource can easily customise it to their preferences. But, like everything out there, you have to read the instructions first.
I have removed the "staff online now" box from my template, but for some
I also like the fact that you take into account people's suggestions, even if they are not practical.

I like that, too. I just wish that new features were made into options so that those who upgrade in order to get just one particular feature out of several don't have to spend an hour or more fiddling with settings in order to get the plug-in to work the way it used to.
I like that, too. I just wish that new features were made into options so that those who upgrade in order to get just one particular feature out of several don't have to spend an hour or more fiddling with settings in order to get the plug-in to work the way it used to.

When I upgraded, it worked exactly the same as it had before. Only after uploading an icon did it change how it appeared/worked. So, not sure what took an hour? The FT I have done is heavily customized, and took ~5min to make sure my template modifications were correct. After that, everything was the same as the previous version.
I like that, too. I just wish that new features were made into options
They are.
It's called Style Properties.

I have told you exactly what to do to get the blocks the same size.
It should take no more than a minute.
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