California Case Update

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Mr. Grace is asking the court to dismiss the case in California because of the excessive burden of dual lawsuits, highlighting the fact that the court in England is the proper and only jurisdiction due to the fact that the 'alleged crimes' took place in England.

As well as (nicely) stating the absurdity that anyone has to answer to a CA/US court when they have no connection to the place. Given that it appears to be a scatter gun approach to begin with, it's quite easy to shoot down, as there is no meat just lots of smoke and mirrors.

Especially when there are claims that "the UK court's aren't good enough (or up to it), we want to do what we're upto in our own back yard".


Though I can see the rational for having to do something as not doing so could be seen as a clear admission of incompetency. If two guys in the UK can do it, then why can't a legion some where else ............ might be the question that goes though some peoples minds.

I'll not bother going on about the stacks of historical evidence supporting the efficiency of small dedicated engaged skilful software teams over management driven behemoths, or drawing parallels, I think that goes without saying.
So that means Kier and the rest have to fly to USA for that court date? Or is that the England court date?
That is the date of the hearing of our motions to dismiss the Californian lawsuit. We will not attend, our lawyer will appear on our behalf.
I have little doubt that it will end in XFs only ? would be how much of your court costs the judge tells them to pay!
Maybe the new behemoth that bought IB will have some smart executives who see the futility and bad PR.....probably wishful thinking, but sometimes big companies actually have some smart people in them.
I have little doubt that it will end in XFs only ? would be how much of your court costs the judge tells them to pay!
Maybe the new behemoth that bought IB will have some smart executives who see the futility and bad PR.....probably wishful thinking, but sometimes big companies actually have some smart people in them.

Rich People know how to use their Money , Smart People know how to use their Brain .
I have little doubt that it will end in XFs only ? would be how much of your court costs the judge tells them to pay!
Maybe the new behemoth that bought IB will have some smart executives who see the futility and bad PR.....probably wishful thinking, but sometimes big companies actually have some smart people in them.

What has the lawsuit done? Well, in my case, I read about it on, got pissed, came over here, checked it out, FELL IN LOVE and bought it. If it weren't for their lawsuit, I probably wouldn't have found this wonderful software. This was a few weeks after dumping some $$$ on vb4 suite, too.

I know its in beta, but Im a professional developer and its RARE you see code as well written as xf is, or even on the same level. And built on a modern framework like ZF? Awesome (would have preferred a lighter friendlier codeigniter, but...). And jQuery? Another huge plus. Kier/Mike/XF - my hat is off to you. The only reason for this lawsuit is they saw your product and are shaking in their boots. The writing is on the wall. 2 years from now at least 35% of current vb sites will be xf sites and I think I'm being conservative. May the better PRODUCT win, not the one with the bigger pocketbooks to feed idiotic lawyers who think that a protected domain registration address is the same as a real address and actually use the argument in court. I put my money on my horse. Im confident. You're doing the right thing...beat them with a better product. Show em what Kier and Mike can do once they are unleashed and out from under the corporate thumb :)
The funny thing is that most of these situations don't need a winner or a loser - I think we are often competitively programmed to think so. It is entirely possible for XF to prosper and VB to sell 10x as much or's a big world out there!
Updated products are really cool - and competitiveness is really great. It will end up making both products, and probably other forums and CMS, better.
VB has a shot at continued success, but not if they send massive numbers of sales to XF by the PR of the lawsuits.

It's strange how the world works...not always fair, but usually predictable.
I personally hope both products have much success in their future. As much as I despise IB, vBulletin was an excellent product. After years of using it, I would really hate to see it die. If only the folks at IB could learn to play nice and work hard to make a better product instead of trying to take out a competitor, I think the forum market would be pretty exciting and everyone could benefit from good competition.
I personally hope both products have much success in their future. As much as I despise IB, vBulletin was an excellent product. After years of using it, I would really hate to see it die. If only the folks at IB could learn to play nice and work hard to make a better product instead of trying to take out a competitor, I think the forum market would be pretty exciting and everyone could benefit from good competition.

Agreed. And very well said Sir :)
I personally hope both products have much success in their future. As much as I despise IB, vBulletin was an excellent product. After years of using it, I would really hate to see it die. If only the folks at IB could learn to play nice and work hard to make a better product instead of trying to take out a competitor, I think the forum market would be pretty exciting and everyone could benefit from good competition.
Very well said. You hit it point blank.

So....very spot on.
Just a bit of trivia, but the Internet Brands claims against Xenforo thread is now the biggest ever at when measured by number of replies.

Screen shot 2011-01-07 at 14.02.54.webp
...and to think they would not let us discuss "The Rebellion" in the public forums, but moved all that good stuff to the private customer forums or deleted it.
I personally hope both products have much success in their future. As much as I despise IB, vBulletin was an excellent product. After years of using it, I would really hate to see it die. If only the folks at IB could learn to play nice and work hard to make a better product instead of trying to take out a competitor, I think the forum market would be pretty exciting and everyone could benefit from good competition.
Many of us have hoped for the same thing. Unfortunately, we may be well past the point of no return. The cost to finish this speculative action will be tremendous and add to the product cost alone. They seem to have let the product development dwindle while playing with mobile apps that few are interested in. With no plan going forward, so much catch up and huge variable costs, something is going to happen soon. Sadly, buying more vb licenses has become the most risky of all propositions.
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