California Case Update

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Think of all the vB forum owners still in the lurch, I know of one who gave away his forum for less than $2,000.00 after nearly a decade of building it due to the new licensing structure Brisco and team dreamed up.

The only hope is that IB sells to a software company, which is doubtful because they love to promote the fact that they have a 'proprietary web operating system'.

LOL !!!!
Is it OK for me to share what I just posted on that thread?
Look at motivation. IB has a business model of buying companies (forums) and milking every penny they can out of them. They applied their model to VB and made a cash grab that boosted the bottom line and looked like growth. This probably fooled H&F into believing it was a good growth division. IB doesn't understand the creative process because they have never created anything.

The principals or XenForo (I believe) spend every waking moment concentrating on making great software. The principals of Internet Brands spend their time thinking of ways to make more money. Now, I believe by doing what they are both doing might mean that XF will make a lot of money, but I don't see IB ever making great software.

To me it just means that VB will continue being a good product that a lot (though declining number) of people will buy. And in a few years XenForo will virtually own the forum market. Anyone here still using Lotus 1-2-3?
Guess in that case, I should have asked for forgiveness rather than permission!
As someone who feels a part of this community, I take extra care not to commit a faux pas. When posting here, I feel like I'm dealing with a person or persons and not a monolithic corporation. I hope as you grow you are able to keep the personal feel. The largest technology company in the world (Apple) is able to maintain that perception. The 1984 Apple Superbowl ad still resonates and (to me) XenForo has the same feel. Thank Kier, for inspiring an old hippy!

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Heh, unfortunately Apple has turned into what they criticized in that commercial, but I agree with the sentiment. Not many other companies would you see
It's not a problem, it's your post, as far as I'm concerned it's your property to publish wherever you like.
(posts from the people beyond the corporate firewall)
Heh, unfortunately Apple has turned into what they criticized in that commercial, but I agree with the sentiment. Not many other companies would you see
(posts from the people beyond the corporate firewall)
They haven't been that little startup for sometime. Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook all want total world domination.
I was one of those early adopters paying $3200 for a Mac SE/30. It's fun being an early adopter again with XF.
OK, back to the case.
Of course I know that. But I still feel totally different about Apple compared to Microsoft (the company we love to hate). Do you picture Apple as Goliath and Microsoft as David? Forget reality, it's perceptions that count and my perceptions are my reality! Steve Jobs will always be one of "two guys in a garage". I know people who think the iphone or ipad are stupid or lame or whatever, but they still want one!
xenforo deserve our support and the developer should really get us out of beta release and bring in more features such as a gallery

I know that there is an add-in gallery but i prefer one from xenforo
xenforo deserve or support and the developer should really get us out of beta release and bring in more features such as a gallery :)
I know that there is an add-in gallery but i prefer one from xenforo ;)
It will be out of beta when the developers feel that it is ready to become a Release Candidate.
They are not going to code in a gallery, at least not for quite a while. The core product is their focal point.
It will be out of beta when the developers feel that it is ready to become a Release Candidate.
They are not going to code in a gallery, at least not for quite a while. The core product is their focal point.
As much as these extras are useful, the most important feature of a forum is to have a great forum. All these other items can be add-ons. Dare I say that I remember another piece of software that I bought 10 years ago that, soon after purchase, seemed to have numerous developers who coded some pretty nifty add-ons that were about as effective as any item created by the original developers. Saves the developers time, lack of focus, and these add-on developers could focus all their energies on doing their one thing well too. Works out nicely for everyone.
As much as these extras are useful, the most important feature of a forum is to have a great forum. All these other items can be add-ons. Dare I say that I remember another piece of software that I bought 10 years ago that, soon after purchase, seemed to have numerous developers who coded some pretty nifty add-ons that were about as effective as any item created by the original developers. Saves the developers time, lack of focus, and these add-on developers could focus all their energies on doing their one thing well too. Works out nicely for everyone.

I agree.

I rather see the crew here at XF create a FORUM and a good one. Which means they will need to spend most of their time on it. One reason why I left vB was the fact that the IB crew didn't care to much about it. They go out making mobile apps? Come on.... vB4 is just barley stable and your out there creating addons, which a VERY low percentage of members will use.

So I hope the XF crew spends time on xenforo as a forum. All these addons can always be made by others or integrated with other software made out there.

What I want to see is what vB4 has lost.. and many other forum platforms. A FORUM.

That's the reason why i still visit otherwise no use of it .

I totally stopped. I maybe go in once a month now. It's chaos there right now. It's really either people backing up vB/IB or members trashing vB/IB.

It just isn't the same environment as it was once before. Coming here I feel better vibes.

xenforo deserve or support and the developer should really get us out of beta release and bring in more features such as a gallery :)
I know that there is an add-in gallery but i prefer one from xenforo ;)

I rather NOT see them rush it. Take their time and make something VERY GOOD.

At beta stages it's already pretty good. But no need to rush, I know we will get to a final release soon in time.
I totally stopped. I maybe go in once a month now. It's chaos there right now. It's really either people backing up vB/IB or members trashing vB/IB.

It just isn't the same environment as it was once before. Coming here I feel better vibes.

I never visited there since vb 4 was released but once xenforo thread started heating up i started checking it up time to time :P
I rather see the crew here at XF create a FORUM and a good one. Which means they will need to spend most of their time on it. One reason why I left vB was the fact that the IB crew didn't care to much about it. They go out making mobile apps? Come on.... vB4 is just barley stable and your out there creating addons, which a VERY low percentage of members will use.
The crew doesn't have a personal stake in the product at VB and have little control or incentive to change what goes on there - top management only cares about maximizing their income, even if it's just a short term windfall with scorched earth left behind. This is old wine in a new bottle and reminiscent of the corporate raiders of the 80s.

I do think that it's important to remember that good people have worked at IB and still continue to work at IB - for how long, nobody knows. The mobile apps path seems foolish and seems to follow the belief that the customers are fickle, won't abandon the VB software platform and are always just one version or improvement of coming back. I've stopped going there for the most part because it's already too late to turn back from the dark path without significant repercussions to the product - if they care. And I'm not sure the decision makers at the top do care, perhaps only to get as much out as they can before it dies, I don't know.
That's the first triple post that I've seen in an xenForo thread.

Thanks for reminding me.

I just realized you can use the reply button many times for different posts.

I kinda always did it indivdually thinking it wouldn't work.

Well now I know :D
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