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The Brogan bot lol!!!
KW802 said:
Am I the only one seeing this? :cautious


Thanks once again for all your support and messages here, via PM and on my profile.
It really is gratifying to know that I was able to help so many people and my efforts were not wasted.

Whilst I appreciate the sentiment, it would require a fairly major change for me to return and I'm 99% certain that person wouldn't agree to that, so it's not going to happen.

That being the case, there really is no reason for me to hang around here any longer , so I wish you all well and it's time for me to move on.
Well this pretty much proves they don't know what they are doing in various areas. Honestly I thought you would have been a paid employee and close to those kinds, personally. How did you stay online so much for free? :o
Well this pretty much proves they don't know what they are doing in various areas. Honestly I thought you would have been a paid employee and close to those kinds, personally. How did you stay online so much for free? :eek:
Sometimes when you really like something, you'll do it for free. I don't know why people are so shocked that he wasn't getting paid. Yes this is a business but life isn't always about taking. Some people are givers. Brogan is a giver.
Sometimes when you really like something, you'll do it for free. I don't know why people are so shocked that he wasn't getting paid. Yes this is a business but life isn't always about taking. Some people are givers. Brogan is a giver.
It's not about that. It is the fact he was online ALL the time. I have done enough free stuff like that in my time to know why you would do it. Just surprised he could be online that much with no pay and basically control (well try) this whole, whinging, whining (I best stop there) community by himself.
It's not about that. It is the fact he was online ALL the time. I have done enough free stuff like that in my time to know why you would do it. Just surprised he could be online that much with no pay and basically control (well try) this whole, whinging, whining (I best stop there) community by himself.
Yeah you're right. That's pretty amazing.
I'd like to thank Brogan for all of his help. Not only has he done a lot of moderating and dealing with the loudmouths but also helped various individuals with mods that were sometimes not even his - explaining the code and how it all works to noobs like me. That all takes an incredible amount of time to do all of that.

So thank you Paul, for all your hard work from myself and my community (who have also seen the benefits of your help, but have no idea who you are).

Good luck and I hope you enjoy the downtime!
Sorry to hear it Paul, Thank you for all the work you have done, and for the help you have offered me personally.

You will be missed, very much so by those of us who knew and appreciated all you have done.
Cheers Brogan, thanks for your help in the past; I wish you well.(y)

I'm a firm believer that you can judge others by how they treat people who are beneath them in a businesses hierarchy. I'm sure there is more to the story, but until I know more, I'm putting a couple of planned purchases on hold. Love the product thus far but I'm fast losing confidence in the brand and its future. :sad:
Yikes that doesn't sound good :-(

This community would have fallen apart without you and you were one of XF's biggest assets. Such a shame if they didn't realise that.

All the best for the future and thanks for all of your help :)
What fast growing forum didn't go through difficult times at one point? I know ours did, at one point we lost our best moderator. Luckily he later returned. As a forum administrator and business owner you sometimes forget that people have feelings and demand a certain level of respect. But again it's not unusual for this to happen. XF is no exception to this rule. Any forum goes through a certain growth cycle: you start off extremely positive, then you enter a period of growth and things often change. If you can get through the challenges that follow a community will get stronger and survive. In this case those challenges are truly pushed to the extreme with unfair lawsuits and hard competition, but this only means a higher potential for greater rewards when able to fight back and win the battle.

Thanks to Brogan for his hard work and excellence, people like him are hard to come by and replace.
I would just like to say that if it was not for you, I would have not purchased a copy of XF.
It is a shame for me to see the XF community let you part ways for whatever reasons.

Cheers for all the help, Even though I may have rubbed you the wrong way once or twice, It was very much appreciated.

Was about to place a few more orders but due to recent events here on XF I think I will have to wait and see.

All the best for your future plans Paul, Hopefully I will be able to catch the occasional update somewhere on the net in regards to how you and your family are doing ;).
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