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Didn't they roll out another forum product before the 12 month period IB asked them not to after leaving the company? :confused:

No. IIRC XenForo was released after the contractual year expired.

Maybe just more due to Kier taking some time out due to the pressures associated with the lawsuit

Actually, he never specified it was due to the lawsuit. He said it was for personal reasons.
"Welcome to XenForo!
Discussion in 'Announcements' started by XenForo, Jul 29, 2010."

Plain and simple.

And it didn't have a business web site.
Nor was anything on sale until early October.

At the end of June, 12 months after Kier left we slowly started hearing rumors about "a xenforo"

vBSI announced on their site the evening before XenForo would go on sale in October that they filed a suit against them.
To those that want to read more into this than is stated in various posts, this sort of thing happens from time to time and to point a finger of blame is unfair given the limited information that we are privy to.

I had a similar thing happen on one of my sites and it was a combination of misunderstandings, bad timing, hurt feelings (both sides), you name it. Unfortunately at times, once the wheel starts turning, it is hard to go back to how it was. The best route is to separate. When a business takes on such a personal air as xF has here, it is easy to take things personally and out of context. The reality is that the software is better than the options and that great strides were made in a short time.

On the front end, Brogan was the strength but business evolves and we have a good base that the present moderators can continue to build on. Beyond wishing Paul/Brogan the best, we should really try to move on and do what we can as a team to assist the new moderators so that we can continue this great tradition of support that this forum is known for. That is my 2 cent s worth. :)

I hope you all have a great day and upcoming weekend.
On the front end, Brogan was the strength but business evolves and we have a good base that the present moderators can continue to build on. Beyond wishing Paul/Brogan the best, we should really try to move on and do what we can as a team to assist the new moderators so that we can continue this great tradition of support that this forum is known for. That is my 2 cent s worth. :)

Yes I think this is a positive agenda.
However I never like calls to "move on."

If people are ready to move on they will so no need to urge it. If people are not ready to move on then pushing them to amounts to some sort of censorship, or leaving issues unresolved.

In this case I think there is still a window of opportunity to invite Paul Brogan back. He may not accept the invitation. But it needs to be made - and be seen to be made.
It also needs to be made several times because a hardworking volunteer who has been demotivated is entitled to a recovery period.
At a rough estimate I'd say the window to resolve this in term's of Brogan's return, will remain until the end of July. Any longer and the new moderators will have built up too much by way of their own ways of working to absorb a renewal from Brogan.

In addition there needs to be some sort of clear assurance that whatever the problem was here is not going to recur.
I wouldn't want to put in a lot of time and energy being a mod if I felt that hen I got overloaded due to forum success, I wasn't going to get the help I requested.

This is a big learning point and development point for the XF community. Can it improve its moderation so good mods don't get swamped? Have changes been made to how the team gets and acts on moderator requests?
This is not a point at which to simply ventilate a bit and then float onwards as though all is well. That's a politician's game, or big commerce game. That's not what we are used to here. XF is better than that.
First I am sorry if you felt that I was telling you that you must move on. Any company that grows will face adversity and as part of the growth will learn to overcome those times and will learn from the experiences. As for a timeline, well, I won't want to even go there because it assumes that I would have half an understanding of how Paul feels.

I personally would not return and I say that strictly for myself and if I were in that position. It is similar, I think, to when an employee says he/she is leaving and the company then decides that it is time to offer a pay increase. More times than not, it doesn't work out. Whenever I got to the point of handing in the towel, it was after I felt that I had exhausted all avenues. To return wouldn't be fair to myself and to others. Again though, that is my feeling and it is the point that we don't know all of the issues and feelings regardless of how much we want to believe that we do.

Sure xF has room for improvement. But any company, forum or individual has that room. Success is determined by how you embrace that need for change. As one who worked on continuous process improvement projects over the years, I have seen some that embrace and some that shy away out of fear or ignorance.

My move on usage was not one of ignoring the obvious problems that exist but rather a plea for the speculation and negative vibes to be put to rest and the attention given to working on the issues that lead to this point and to grow and move forward. There is a difference between moving on by sticking ones head in the sand and moving on to accomplish bigger and better things. Only those that leave can answer the question as to when and if a return is possible.
My move on usage was ... a plea for the speculation and negative vibes to be put to rest and the attention given to working on the issues that lead to this point and to grow and move forward.

Thanks Rob much appreciated.
I don't think the issues can be examined without a certain amount of speculation and a bit of negativity.

Speculation arises if people are not given solid info. Brogan has given some but we only have that to go on.
Negativity is in this case a symptom of people's shock. That is definitely quite serious because Brogan was so central.

I think everyone is doing very well though. This hasn't been nasty. Just people saying what they think and feel. I haven't seen any attacks or significant stirring or paranoia.

Ironically the credit due for people handling this pretty well is not only ours but Brogan. He really did nurture a very mature community.
I put my Free Brogan avatar back up when I saw random members I've never seen before still using it. People really loved Brogan.
I put my Free Brogan avatar back up when I saw random members I've never seen before still using it. People really loved Brogan.

You honestly think people, us men especially, can put our bruised ego's aside, apologize for mistakes made and offer someone their position back without pride getting in the way?

Come realistic. :P

Brogan has been freed, I'd imagine he feels a lot better, stress wise, since leaving.
You honestly think people, us men especially, can put our bruised ego's aside, apologize for mistakes made and offer someone their position back without pride getting in the way?

Come realistic. :p

Brogan has been freed, I'd imagine he feels a lot better, stress wise, since leaving.
Nah I'm not thinking about it. To me this avatar is like pouring out liquor for your homies that passed away.
At this rate, XenForo doesn't have to worry about Internet Brands. Xenforo's owners and moderators may eventually become their own worst enemy and their future actions will either destroy XenForo or build it stronger.
they may also open up a wormhole and establish a population on planet noobonon with offspring all named KAM ...

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At this rate, XenForo doesn't have to worry about Internet Brands. Xenforo's owners and moderators may eventually become their own worst enemy and their future actions will either destroy XenForo or build it stronger.
There is a point where this becomes true for any company. But at the end of the day, we don't buy Xenforo for the community - thats just the cherry on the sundae. Its for the software. Nothing has changed in that respect.

Brogan stated he did it for the community, to draw attention to something he felt needed to be addressed, and it has been. He fell on his sword for us. His expertise will be missed, but his replacements are equally as skilled, so there will be an initial drop and then growth beyond the point of disruption.

His final action improved the outlook for Xenforo, not put it in jeopardy.
Yea, keep it up. This thread getting linked to and viewed is not doing anything to help xenForo out. So just keep it up and enjoy your 15 minutes of xenForo internet fame.
Yea, keep it up. This thread getting linked to and viewed is not doing anything to help xenForo out. So just keep it up and enjoy your 15 minutes of xenForo internet fame.
Relax dude. I like this software and the community so I name some of my resources after em. There's a Don't Know Don't Kier, Kierl Bill and Still Don't Kier skin. I'll make a dark Mike and a Southern Comfort Kier skin later. I need to do something cool for Jake.
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