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[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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If a you could show post in widgets that would be awesome, fx a new "renderer: post", and next type in ID of post to be shown. Possible?
Sounds doable ;)

Couldn't add HTML widget.
Keeps on loading.
Try refreshing your cached js, etc.

Guys i am using two blocks in the "all" position, meaning they display of each and every forum pages. However there are two (static) pages I wish to make an exception and show the forum in full width without any sidebar at all.

Is there an expression or a conditional to make this happen?

Yes, you can do that. Use something like this (assuming the id of the pages are 1 and 2):

(empty($page) OR !in_array($page['node_id'], array(1, 2))

installed the c version on 1.2
if the block Staff online is there, and you set an mod to "hidden" he stills shows up in the block. If i disable the framework, its working good.
How to you show something only to guests?

It gives $visitor['user_id'] > 0 as a example to only show things to logged in users but how do it for guests.
A class declaration below an "if" clause, to support both 1.1 and 1.2 with the same package. Ugly. Dirty. And smart. I like it. Thanks for this.
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