Any good news? Please help to stop rumors...

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Is there a need for sarcasm?
Is there a need for theories and predictions of Kier's state of feeling regarding the court case?

Is there a need for stating XenForo aren't interested in releasing an update when quite clearly there is no evidence to support it?

Are you inferring that it is on us to stalk the forums for comments from dev's, instead of on them to announce what can be expected, when, and how far they are?

Nothing has been posted there in give or take 8 months, that is almost three quarters.

Is there a need for theories and predictions of Kier's state of feeling regarding the court case?

Is there a need for stating XenForo aren't interested in releasing an update when quite clearly there is no evidence to support it?
None of what I have said are predictions, they are on the other hand examples to how KaM's apparent* lack of interest in maintaining quality communication with their customers, affects said customers.

Same goes for the apparent* lack in interest in releasing any dependable comment on where development is, 6 months after the update announcement you linked to.

*Seeming real or true, but not necessarily so.
Hmmm.... an entirely offtopic but still very serious question...

Why is it always KAM? why not MAK? Granted now the "A" has to remain in between or else it becomes hard to pronounce... poor old Ashley! :LOL:

Edit: Now that i have pronounced it, MAK sounds much better, of course you run the risk of people mistaking the founders here for a piece of computer equipment but again, phonetics are extremely important! :sneaky:
Hmmm.... an entirely offtopic but still very serious question...

Why is it always KAM? why not MAK? Granted now the "A" has to remain in between or else it becomes hard to pronounce... poor old Ashley! :LOL:

Edit: Now that i have pronounced it, MAK sounds much better, of course you run the risk of people mistaking the founders here for a piece of computer equipment but again, phonetics are extremely important! :sneaky:

kier id 2,
mike id 3,
ashley id 4

KMA ;p
Personally I do not mind the lack of communication and I have posted only once about the subject and further I refrained from doing so. Kier had posted about the reason of his absence and that was enough for me.

But obviously that was not enough for a great deal of users here and that is very much understandable. A silence of this long is a little worrying to say the least. I am sure that the KAM have their reasons for remaining silent, but no matter what the reasons might be, a little announcement along the lines of "Sorry folks but for x or y reasons we are not allowed to post/give statements about the roadmap etc" or something along these lines, is long overdue.

That would put a stop to all these kind of threads and all the wild speculations and conspiracy theories floating the net.

Not to mention the impact it has on the business itself. There are a lot of users out there who are reluctant to purchase xenforo due to all rumors they hear and nothing coming from the devs to put an end to them.
As stated above, no lawyer will ever tell you not to run your business. there must be other reasons.

For many people it's becoming too late to care what they are.

To be honest Mark, I see more people coming to XenForo every day than leaving, so obviously a lot of people simply don't care or accept the situation for what it is.

It's only a very small minority making this situation bigger than it actually is.
To be honest Mark, I see more people coming to XenForo every day than leaving, so obviously a lot of people simply don't care or accept the situation for what it is.

It's only a very small minority making this situation bigger than it actually is.
How many people are renewing? Or not?
Yep, I love the gossip how 2 people were looking to convert to IPB, and on the exact same day 3 people inquired about switching to XF from IPB, yet... the good old drama queens seem to only point out the people leaving ;p
No lies are needed. They just need to explain that they cannot comment at the moment and all will be clear later.

Abject silence is rude and disrespectful, there are people here who actually bought XF licences JUST to support the guys, and now this.

No lies may be needed, but that's what virtually every other forum package has delivered over the decades! Lies may be too strong of a word...maybe unmet promises could be better.

The point is that everything in this world is comparative. I'd rather deal with being promised little and delivered that...or MORE, than deal with all the crazy PR and promises and missed deadlines of other software. Talk is cheap.

I had an employee for 20+ years - best employee I ever had. Dealt with ALL my customers day in and day out...installed expensive appliances in their houses. He didn't talk. He would grunt. He never said one word more than needed. Customers would occasionally call and say "Hey, Dan won't talk to me". We'd ask "is the job done right?". They'd say "perfect".
I too notice a LOT of newbies around here - people installing XF for the first time.

Hey, if we are going to wildly speculate, let's guess how many copies have been sold.......

I say 3,000 by the end of June.
Or don't know.

That little surprise probably comes after one is done building their forum and looks to the community for support and add ons. Then it's like....oh their being sued and this is going on....aww ****. :eek:
Or don't know.

Don't know and don't care pretty much go hand in hand. If there were performance or security issues or these people who "don't know" were having problems with their boards, they would also be here asking for fixes and updates. Evidently they are not...

No doubt there is a group of people, myself included who would love to have more information and know whats rocking, however of that group, I could probably count on my fingers (dont need toes) a sub-group of people who keep poking the lion to make it angrier, and without that sub-group this thread would probably have dropped off the first page days if not weeks ago.

How many people are renewing?

I don't have access to that information. All I compare is the amount of new people showing up, asking to convert from other software vs that on the IPB, VB and other vendors forums, and of those converting away it seems the only people citing "lack of updates" are those trying to make a point, the majority of that minority converting away would seem to be people who didn't plan for the loss of addons or similar.

Thats how I see it at least.
Don't know and don't care pretty much go hand in hand. If there were performance or security issues or these people who "don't know" were having problems with their boards, they would also be here asking for fixes and updates. Evidently they are not...

No doubt there is a group of people, myself included who would love to have more information and know whats rocking, however of that group, I could probably count on my fingers (dont need toes) a sub-group of people who keep poking the lion to make it angrier, and without that sub-group this thread would probably have dropped off the first page days if not weeks ago.

IMO this sounds like a cover up if I have ever heard one from a business....and in my niche....oh you can bet cover ups are our specialties haha. I don't think not knowing or caring goes together or not. In fact....I see new people join these threads everytime I show up. o_O

Mind you if people are like me, I only keep coming back because I keep getting emails, and then I'm like well lets see what they said, and then I find my opinion and will to say it. Blame the alerts ;)
Or don't know.

Don't know? Unlike other competitors, you do not need to buy a license first, to access forums that contain information which would make you think twice before purchasing a license, if you had access to it prior.

Here, there are no such forums.

Development is still ongoing. Give Mike and Kier a break, there is only two of them; and look at what these two created even with this vindictive lawsuit over their heads.
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