Any good news? Please help to stop rumors...

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Not renewed some of my licences due to the lack of respect from the XF developers. (Respect being told something and not left in the dark). Out of my four licences only one has been renewed. None of the others will be until things start to happen around here. XF is a great product but the owners need to engage with those that pay their wages.
Thank you *some* genious fellas ! You guys truely opened my eyes i should go away from Xenforo .


You still have time before you need to go. You know when you need to go based on other information like missing target dates like. We hope to release next version in quarter 2 and when that does not happen with out explanation then its time to start thinking in depth what you expect from the company. Another one can be what i said above for planning your own website.

Even so even small websites need to have plans if something goes wrong with the software you use what are the options and how long do you need to convert your website to new software. Also how long can you stay on the software before you need to convert, but the time shifts until you get to the target date if nothing has happened you need to put the plan into action.
I couldn't care less what you "see" me as quite frankly.

You do the same don't you ? You like their comments who agree with you /those who tend to disagree is "fanbois" . I thought you mentioned somewhere else you were ready to sell the license you done with xenforo as well :)
Those who think people like me are "bashing" them are wrong. Most of us are trying desperately to avoid their business and their product's reputation going down the plughole, which it very much is at the moment.

And if the above statement is in fact true, can't you see your achieving the opposite of what you claim?

But those who insist everything's ok and we should all should up complaining, seem to want to repeat THAT thousands of times. And so it is that I will challenge that opinion.

As it seems to be a stalemate on opinion, why not let it rest until someone has something new to add?

I also got linked this quote you posted on another site Mark.

Well the complaints are not going away, there's been a flurry of activity in the "good news" thread again today. more and more people gradually coming to realise that something isn't right

I can't see one person who has posted today who hasn't previously contributed to the thread. So I dont understand this comment. Was it posted as some sort of way to stir the pot or self validate your possition? Either way it looks like the complete opposite of the first post of yours I quoted...
I would also like to add that if 1.2 came out this month it would still not fill me with confidence. That will only be earned with proper and decent communication. I don't want to know the inside leg measurement of someone, just some engagement with those that pay the wages of XenForo Ltd. As of now they get nothing from me as their business practices suck.
Not really going to sit here and work out who previously posted in a variety of threads and who didn't.

The fact is we've gone from the *perception* that only two or three people had an issue, to a *perception* that quite a few more do now. And as I have repeatedly stated, perception is everything in business. If you're seen as not very good, it doesn't really matter if you are actually excellent, if your customers perceive you as being not very good, then you aren't.

I didn't work it out either, having extensively watched the threads the same faces become familiar in the threads.

I don't know how anything posted today has altered that perception at all. So my puzzlement remains.

Infact given the long, well constructed and balanced nature of several posts made today, I would actually say the opposite, it apears more people are accepting that it will come when it comes... and aruging the same points back and fourth serves no purpose.
It cannot be sold, as it has expired, otherwise I probably would. With great sadness. Perhaps also I still hold onto some small hope that things might recover.

Well not with great sadness. I still hold a vB license and read the vB licensed customer only forums. You really are quite proud of your site and how you made it look like XenForo... and the praise you get from the couple of other vB licensed holders must really stoke your ego.

I never had a lawsuit filed against me, so I can not respond with how someone with one should react, as I have no experience to draw from, and as you obviously do respond can you validate your experience with lawsuits filed against you and how you reacted. Thanks Mark, I look forward to reading your reply.
What will come when it comes? I'm not talking about the next release, I'm talking about the complete unexplained change of communications strategy from the former state of being extensively involved with the community and making regular development updates and "Have you seen?" posts, to absolute complete and utter silence.

Yes I was refering to the communication. But imho people are understanding that maybe due to personal issues (Kiers post for example) or maybe legal issues (and have been advised not to speak) that it may simply be out of their control.

I mean lets be honest. vBulletin are slinging as much mud at XenForo as they can. If Kier suddenly starts posting "new spangly features" how soon do you think it will be before they start claiming those features are one of the 125 (currently mostly unannounced to public) were stolen from them? Maybe there is a deadline to pass before he can post it simply to stop the lawsuit being prolonged any further before trial?

Maybe its none of the above, but pointing it out 1000 more times isn't going to suddenly make it happen is it?

I hope.. as and when, and if KAM want to discuss it, it will be come apparent as to why. Until then we are all simply guessing. Thats the fact of it.
Then why don't they just say so?

And as others have stated, no lawyer would ever advise them not to run their business, which is what's happening here.

How do you know they haven't been told not to say anything, not even that they arn't allowed to say anything.

Have you considered it might be for their own protection?

They are after all being sued by a billion dollar organisation who probably has someone crawling this site daily for the slightest hint of something they could throw at them.

Perhaps absolute silence is the lesser of 2 evils.
As I have said, no lawyer would advise you not to run your business. And frankly if they did, if that was the only way out, better to close the business anyway than watch it inevitably go bust because you can't run it.

Good thing its not your business to run then isn't it (y)
How do you know they haven't been told not to say anything, not even that they arn't allowed to say anything.

Have you considered it might be for their own protection?

They are after all being sued by a billion dollar organisation who probably has someone crawling this site daily for the slightest hint of something they could throw at them.

Perhaps absolute silence is the lesser of 2 evils.

If a lawyer recommends it they usually help people with a statement that is neutral so people know they can not commend on it.
As I have said, no lawyer would advise you not to run your business. And frankly if they did, if that was the only way out, better to close the business anyway than watch it inevitably go bust because you can't run it.
Just curious which law school you learned that stuff at Mark?
I would also like to add that if 1.2 came out this month it would still not fill me with confidence. That will only be earned with proper and decent communication. I don't want to know the inside leg measurement of someone, just some engagement with those that pay the wages of XenForo Ltd. As of now they get nothing from me as their business practices suck.
That's exactly how I feel. Moderators and fanboys' "Don't Worry, Be Happy" theme has gotten old. With that said I've decided to renew one of my licenses after the Resource Manager is out.

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If a lawyer recommends it they usually help people with a statement that is neutral so people know they can not commend on it.

Not true. If a lawyer recommends you to not talk there is nothing they would write for you, as you would not be making a statement.

I do not know your experience with dealing with multi-billion dollar businesses, I have none. My father has a lot of experience and I talked to him about this case.
I'm talking software products here. Clearly you don't know much about IT and software development.

Buying something like XF for a hobby board would probably still be fine. No real issues there, you can probably continue to run it for many years even if development totally ceased forever.

Commercial enterprises simply won't wear that, however. And for something like XF to have a viable future, those big enterprises that currently run vB and IPB have GOT to start switching over. That was starting to happen and it was fantastic. And

Again, people can pretend none of this matters. The big problem is, it DOES matter. And worse than that, the longer it goes on, the harder it will be to recover the previous good reputation.
Right because xbox live doesn't have updates and downloadable content and software licenses nor does it have the option to save all of your download content to a storage cloud.None of those things have to do with IT or software development or end user relations...try this crap with microsoft and apple and see if they show you what they have in the works.

It doesn't matter....
Agreed, my site doesn't look like XenForo, it looks like vB4 and that's intentional. However, some aspects (notably the postbit userinfo area) have borrowed heavily from XenForo design elements.
wut as in what's the link so I can see what he's talking bout.
Thanks for quoting this announcement from two months ago. Rereading it, it's clear to me why his post doesn't instill the confidence as it was hoped to.

You may be right. On re-reading, it seems to announce he's back but that didn't happen.
As I have said, no lawyer would advise you not to run your business. And frankly if they did, if that was the only way out, better to close the business anyway than watch it inevitably go bust because you can't run it.
Just because they are not posting on the forums, they are not running their business??

They ARE answering support tickets - quite quickly from what I've seen of the posts stating so.
They ARE working at fixing bugs, I would assume, in preparation for the next release, be that 1.1.3, or 1.2.
Kier DID state that development is ongoing.

But they're not running their business because they are not posting on the forums - which is not a requirement, mind you.
It's simply a change from how they were when they first started out. However -

They did not have a lawsuit against them when they first started out.
They were not being advised by attorneys to watch everything they say, when they first started out. (This is me assuming that this is so. I know if I was their attorney, I certainly would advise them to keep their traps shut).

And I'm sure that the stress of it all has weighed very heavily on them personally - your mental and physical health is affected, your marriage is affected, your family life is affected. Even moreso when you have a bunch of people here who dream up with all these conspiracy theories, allegations, assumptions, etc.
What's X-Box got to do with it?

You try to tell me how forums work by citing an X-Box?

Don't be so ridiculous.

I can scarcely be bothered to argue this point. Those of you who seriously believe it's ok for a company to switch overnight from masses of communication to absolutely none, please carry on on your own little fluffy cloud, people like me have reality to deal with.
What's with the pompous attitude?

To quote yourself:
Ah here comes the abuse again. Always happens.

Shame, the discussion was actually becoming constructive for a change. But the usual suspects spoil it, every time.

Not doing yourself any favours are you?
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