Any good news? Please help to stop rumors...

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Your trying to say they don't even have 5 minutes to make a catch all thread in the news forum? If they can't do that who honestly thinks, I dunno....any development is even going on? They could solve this with one post. ONE! This is what people are missing, especially KAM.

Just my point!!
I don't understand why people seem to think that Kier, Mike or Ashley doesn't want to say anything.
They probably can't same anything.
Everyone really needs to give it a rest.
I'm sure if they could, they would.
When you go have your car fixed (which costs way more by the way) do you call the mechanic to find out every single bolt he is turning at the moment...i didn't think so. You can ask someone to do something but you can't demand how they get it done.
If my car was in the shop for weeks and they didn't answer their phone, I'd be a bit concerned.
I don't understand why people seem to think that Kier, Mike or Ashley doesn't want to say anything.
They probably can't same anything.
Everyone really needs to give it a rest.
I'm sure if they could, they would.

And for the previous mechanic analogy, if my car was in the shop for weeks and the didn't answer their phone, I'd be a bit concerned.

Phones being answered(support tickets) but the picketers on the other side of the road are being ignored :)
... I am sorry to say, but: It´s very, very hard to defend KAM when they refuse to help and react. Let´s be pretty blunt: Why should they refuse to spread good news?

This is really, really sad and frustrating - and I never would have expected this to happen when KAM started. No matter what happened and what may be the explanation: You always have a choice - and they obviously chose to cut off communication... I am really disappointed.

By the way: This is no personal attack... and xenforo is not vB... so mods should bear with us a little longer.
You mean react aside from this, this, and this, and recent bug fixes?

Considering XF 1.1 was release in November 2011 it wouldn't be odd to expect XF 1.2 around that same time period (a year separating second-point releases isn't unusual); XenForo 1.1 is after all only about 7 months old. However, they announced that it would come sooner than that which is only good for us. It's an ambitious goal and they're probably spending a lot of their time on it.

Am I disappointed that they've been far less active the past few months? Slightly but I imagine there's reason for it and I'm sure they're aware of community concerns. At the same time I have other, more important things to do than obsess over that fact. I don't understand the hubbub and it seems people spend far more time here complaining about the developers' lack of public activity than working on their own sites.

What are people really missing out on from Mike and Kier posting here? I'm honestly asking. Development work goes on behind the scenes and the only "outside" activity shown is replies to bug fixes, which has picked up again. Otherwise I don't see why them not appearing online publicly or the lack of posting in random community threads as a cause for worry or see it as a sign to pack up and leave XenForo.

It wasn't so long ago when they were with vB that they dropped from public view while they were very heavily involved in working on the next version. I don't seem to recall complaining about their disappearances then and in the case of XF, there's only 2 developers and they have a lot more on their plate.

Your trying to say they don't even have 5 minutes to make a catch all thread in the news forum? If they can't do that who honestly thinks, I dunno....any development is even going on? They could solve this with one post. ONE! This is what people are missing, especially KAM.

Full stop.

Full stop.
They have taken 5 minutes, and Mike has taken at least 20 minutes to address concerns in the past. The issue is no one seems satisfied with '5 minutes' and want a full in-depth accounting for everything.

Even then more often than not people will continue to ask for more information, or bring up the stupid ass roadmap or developer blog idea again, which has been vetoed repeatedly for over two years.
Sigh.. some people are such drama queens... Just use the software, help the developers any way you can here with support questions, hope or pray IB loses the case, and cut them some slack. This is the hardest phase for any company - growth and dealing with hard competition. Try to work together as a community and stop complaining! Also no daily communication means more time spend developing and helping customers. I'm sure time is rare enough as it is for the owners and staff. Then there is still a private life for some...
asking them to stop and entertain individual questions is a bit ridiculous...that would stop them from doing stuff like...I dunno ....development...
Interesting, but have you heard about this:

Not meant as any attack, but if a developher has time to upgrade his board and work on it, why he shouldn't have the time (which is usually shorter, because writing vs working on import is often faster) just give us a propper update?

TIP: not asking for any updates but providing a point. its up to you to understand or not.
Not meant as any attack, but if a developher has time to upgrade his board and work on it, why he shouldn't have the time (which is usually shorter, because writing vs working on import is often faster) just give us a propper update? <snip>
I feel this is just a waste of time to try to make you understand my point, so I refrain from commenting the obivious on point 2. Besides using of Caps is rather aggresive... (my point so feel free to disagree)
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