[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

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Please, for the sake of designers, don't use common classes like sidebar when it isnt a sidebar. XenForo uses these classes and so do designers.
I want to be able to display a helper dump of the forum node a specific news post came from. (displaying from RecentNews block)

<xen:if is="{$news.promote_icon} != 'disabled'">
            <xen:if hascontent="true">
                <div class="newsImage">
                    <xen:if is="{$news.attach}">
                        <a href="{xen:link threads, $news}"><img src="{xen:link attachments, $news.attach}" alt="{$news.attach.filename}" /></a>
                         <div class='newsTitle'><h2><a href="{xen:link threads, $news}" title="{$news.title}">{xen:helper threadPrefix, $news}{$news.title}</a></h2></div>
                    <xen:elseif is="{$news.image}" />
                        <a href="{xen:link threads, $news}"><img src="{$news.image}" alt="{$news.image}" /></a>
                         <div class='newsTitle'><h2><a href="{xen:link threads, $news}" title="{$news.title}">{xen:helper threadPrefix, $news}{$news.title}</a></h2></div>
                    <xen:else />
                        <font color="red">Replace with Default Image for each node it comes from if possible. Unless image is posted within the post then will use custom image.</font>

So how do i determine where the post originated from? something like {xen:helper $forum.node_id}
So I can code this using an else statement for displaying a specific image from a specific forum node.

I think i need to modify the public controller or something if so which?
Just so people understand more of my issue: I want to find the forum.node_id of the originating post. So, I can write an If statement that pulls a default image from the localhost if it originated from a specific forum "News feed section."
So If it came from "Darkfall News" It would display the darkfall image, using an else statement if there was a custom image attached it would use that. So basically I need to figure out how to dump the forum.node_id if anyone knows i'd love you for evah.
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Does no one know how to add the conditional statement for retrieving $forum.node_id in "xenporta RecentNews template" I am fairly certain i need to add it to the event listener, but not sure which one and what code to add.
How do I make the portal recent news block not a small square like I've seen it on other website with a full 2blocks of 1 news post.
How do I make the portal recent news block not a small square like I've seen it on other website with a full 2blocks of 1 news post.

You can do it using child nth css, this requires only 1 news block located on the right side of the block but not the "sidebar." then use the following CSS code to move every 3rd and 4th div "recentNews" into rows beneath each other. Note this is not really responsive if done this way due to how the size limits its self width ways.

CSS child nth's.

Example from my site
.recentNews:nth-child(2n-2)    { float:right !important; clear:none !important; margin-right:2px !important; }
Hello Gang,

I'm trying to achieve something and I'm not sure it can be done or has been done with xenforo and portal. I would love to have a left and right sidebar with a center column but it doesn't render that way for mobile. As it is now I just use the 'top right', 'mid right', and 'sidebar' and live with it placing my sidebar at the bottom of the page for mobile users. I have been using it this way for a while but I thought I would ask. I know this would really reduce the viewing size but I would rather sacrifice function over design in the case. There is a forum that I follow on VB that is setup this way and I would really like to achieve this also with XF. I will include the links below for example.

Many Thanks!

My forum: California Reefs
What I'm trying to achieve: Premier Reef
Hello Gang,

I'm trying to achieve something and I'm not sure it can be done or has been done with xenforo and portal. I would love to have a left and right sidebar with a center column but it doesn't render that way for mobile. As it is now I just use the 'top right', 'mid right', and 'sidebar' and live with it placing my sidebar at the bottom of the page for mobile users. I have been using it this way for a while but I thought I would ask. I know this would really reduce the viewing size but I would rather sacrifice function over design in the case. There is a forum that I follow on VB that is setup this way and I would really like to achieve this also with XF. I will include the links below for example.

Many Thanks!

My forum: California Reefs
What I'm trying to achieve: Premier Reef

It places all your sidebars on the bottom because your most likely using a theme that is responsive and thats how it treats those widgets due to the narrow screen res width. (You can have the widgets hidden based on the device you are using if you wish.) But if you want to have the site display everything like Desktop views then there is one way to fix that. Get rid of the responsive design and just utilize the pinch and zoom for mobile users, Most people these days use Tapatalk because of the push notifications which responsive designs do not have the capability of doing.

So suggest looking at your style properties and see if you have a responsive design if so turn it off. If you still have display problems you could add this line to the header template: <meta name="viewport" content="width=1200px, user-scalable=yes"> adjust the width based on your max width for your site.

As to the left sidebar, you can install blocks or widgets in that side location on the left through xenporta. Though i have not ever used it but fairly sure its there.
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Hey, I'm having an issue when I have two or more posts in the forum that XenForo is listening to, the whole page goes blank, with only the XENPORTA BY JASON at 8WAYRUN.COM showing.

Again, the page is fine with one RecentNews update, but two or more renders the page blank, as seen below.
Can you tell me a exemple or have you pic with the promote thread in portal .
My threads or sticky threads
Are showing in the portal
No thread is able to promote.... How do you promote a thread to portal anyways? I see no option for me to send a thread/post to portal. I don't know what screenshot to show since nothing is showing up. And permissions are right.
It places all your sidebars on the bottom because your most likely using a theme that is responsive and thats how it treats those widgets due to the narrow screen res width. (You can have the widgets hidden based on the device you are using if you wish.) But if you want to have the site display everything like Desktop views then there is one way to fix that. Get rid of the responsive design and just utilize the pinch and zoom for mobile users, Most people these days use Tapatalk because of the push notifications which responsive designs do not have the capability of doing.

So suggest looking at your style properties and see if you have a responsive design if so turn it off. If you still have display problems you could add this line to the header template: <meta name="viewport" content="width=1200px, user-scalable=yes"> adjust the width based on your max width for your site.

As to the left sidebar, you can install blocks or widgets in that side location on the left through xenporta. Though i have not ever used it but fairly sure its there.

Thanks Joykiller,

I am using responsive design. I have been reluctant in turning it off but I'm going to. I'm tired of having to worry about what changes do to the mobile end-user. I also added tapatalk too. I had it running on another forum I used to help out on I just thought using responsive design didn't call for it. Thank you for your help!

Be well,
Just so people understand more of my issue: I want to find the forum.node_id of the originating post. So, I can write an If statement that pulls a default image from the localhost if it originated from a specific forum "News feed section."
So If it came from "Darkfall News" It would display the darkfall image, using an else statement if there was a custom image attached it would use that. So basically I need to figure out how to dump the forum.node_id if anyone knows i'd love you for evah.
View attachment 74691

So does no one still know how to add event listener - to enable forums.node_id so i can dump the integer (id) of where the post originated from? within the Xenporta mod?
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