[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid] 1.2.2b

No permission to buy ($40.00)
Why do I need to give a response to this? @bt012ss had already answered the guys question 4 days ago.
Sorry but I just can't keep quiet anymore. I say this not to belittle you or attack you but only out of pure frustration from myself and many others I am sure. Your derogatory and condescending responses (occasionally downright attacks on customers) to requests for support does nothing but help you to lose customers. How can you not see this? There is honestly no need to be so abrupt and rude. You need to understand that not all administrators are coders, I can't code to save my life, I copy and paste and hope for the best, some of us need a little bit of extra help or clarity. There is nothing to be lost by being nice to others, but a lot more can be lost by being rude. You've got a good piece of software here, but when other add-on authors point blank refuse to provide support for their add-ons to be compatible with XP2 Pro then you gotta know that something is wrong somewhere, people just don't want to deal with you, and that's a shame, but it's not all that surprising considering you think it is ok to make comments like this to your customers, it is very off-putting to say the least.
God forbid I take the ****ing weekend off, and then have a busy day on Monday because some of my clients use GoDaddy and their servers have been crashing and burning all weekend, so I can't get to XF stuff... but noooo... you ****ing selfish ****ing *******s have no patience.
Please Jaxel, I've purchased 2 licences of XP2 Pro, all I (and many others I'm sure) want in return is a little bit of support and pointing in the right direction occasionally, If I can get that I will support you for life, and I'm sure many others too.
Why do I need to give a response to this? @bt012ss had already answered the guys question 4 days ago.
Why? Because u are the Dev of this Addon and my Question is/was a little different.
But interesting to see, you only react when you are harassed.

Also, u can see that i am not the only Person having Probs with your Way of supporting this.
Taking the Money and leaving the People alone may not be the right Way.
Sorry but I just can't keep quiet anymore. I say this not to belittle you or attack you but only out of pure frustration from myself and many others I am sure. Your derogatory and condescending responses (occasionally downright attacks on customers) to requests for support does nothing but help you to lose customers. How can you not see this? There is honestly no need to be so abrupt and rude. You need to understand that not all administrators are coders, I can't code to save my life, I copy and paste and hope for the best, some of us need a little bit of extra help or clarity. There is nothing to be lost by being nice to others, but a lot more can be lost by being rude. You've got a good piece of software here, but when other add-on authors point blank refuse to provide support for their add-ons to be compatible with XP2 Pro then you gotta know that something is wrong somewhere, people just don't want to deal with you, and that's a shame, but it's not all that surprising considering you think it is ok to make comments like this to your customers, it is very off-putting to say the least.

Please Jaxel, I've purchased 2 licences of XP2 Pro, all I (and many others I'm sure) want in return is a little bit of support and pointing in the right direction occasionally, If I can get that I will support you for life, and I'm sure many others too.

The reason other developers do not include other add-ons to be compatible is because

A) They would be required to pay for XenPorta2
B) Jaxel only includes stuff that he sees beneficial to the advancement of his products. THerefor if they would trade his addon for another, he may not choose to accept the tradeoff as he doesnt see it benefiting his add-on.

Why? Because u are the Dev of this Addon and my Question is/was a little different.
But interesting to see, you only react when you are harassed.

Also, u can see that i am not the only Person having Probs with your Way of supporting this.
Taking the Money and leaving the People alone may not be the right Way.

Man the outright disrespect towards the author is unfathomable. He is providing you with add-ons that would require you to spend at least $1,000 to have someone develop. Be grateful he responds. How about this for a change, solve the problems YOURSELF and do what most others do and pay a developer to solve YOUR problems.

He provides the framework and even offers to help with troubleshooting that is very fair. I haven't even bought any products from Jaxel and he has put up with my 50 questions.
Thanks, but then what other permissions does that give them? I don't want them to be able to make changes to the Portal, just the authors page.

Any help @Jaxel?
The "Can Administrate Portal" permission gives access to the Admin CP back-end. Even if you give a user "Can Administrate Portal" permission, if you don't also give them access to the Admin CP back-end (which is a XenForo permission), then they wont be able to do much.

The ONLY front-end permission the "Can Administrate Portal" permission gives is the editing/adding/deleting of authors.
He provides the framework and even offers to help with troubleshooting that is very fair. I haven't even bought any products from Jaxel and he has put up with my 50 questions.

Spending 50 Bucks or 1000 does not change the way its should be Supported. Some are waiting for a response and waiting and waiting. We all know that Jaxel isn´t as good in Supporting then in Coding. The Software itself is, in my Eyes, outstanding. But thats not the Point. If you dont get me and just looking after the Money u are doing it wrong
Spending 50 Bucks or 1000 does not change the way its should be Supported. Some are waiting for a response and waiting and waiting. We all know that Jaxel isn´t as good in Supporting then in Coding. The Software itself is, in my Eyes, outstanding. But thats not the Point. If you dont get me and just looking after the Money u are doing it wrong

He has 6 top notch add-ons to continue to develop and he has to support. The purpose of these forums is to also get support from others. Be grateful.
I am. But hey if i run a Shop with 6 Customers in, i have to have a look to everyone or some will run away. Well, maybe we in Germany have a different Sight on how to Support. And believe me, i am grateful, otherwise i would not have bought it ;)
Anyway, lets leave that to where it is now ;)
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The "Can Administrate Portal" permission gives access to the Admin CP back-end. Even if you give a user "Can Administrate Portal" permission, if you don't also give them access to the Admin CP back-end (which is a XenForo permission), then they wont be able to do much.

The ONLY front-end permission the "Can Administrate Portal" permission gives is the editing/adding/deleting of authors.
Thank you.
I would like a new link to XenPorta 2 and branding removal license link.
your email support is not working it seems.
I would like a new link to XenPorta 2 and branding removal license link.
your email support is not working it seems.
Just click the download links.

Can you make this work with your other plugin for the Wiki so that we may promote Wiki's to our homepage?
You want to promote a wiki page into an article? What you can do is use the [wiki] bbcode and just post that into a promoted article. That would be the easiest way.
Hi I love the product .....I have one question here thou is there any way to add any of the donation widgets of any the 3rd party donation addon ........thanks for any help
Hi I love the product .....I have one question here thou is there any way to add any of the donation widgets of any the 3rd party donation addon ........thanks for any help

you can use ANY widgets that bd widget framework uses by disabling xenporta framework and using EWRporta2_ArticleList in the position field in bd widget framework.
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