[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid] 1.2.2b

No permission to buy ($40.00)
Once again... The Visitor Panel on the sidebar is added AUTOMATICALLY by XenForo on EVERY page that has a right sidebar. Thats why it exists even on pages that don't need that information, like XenMedio or even the built-in members page. XP2 HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS VISITOR PANEL. There is no code in XP2 that would affect the visitor panel. I have installed XP2 on dozens of forums for people, and the visitor panel shows up on every single one of them.

So if you're having issues with it, then its a conflict with something else. Its up to YOU as a forum administrator to find out which addon is causing the problem. Not to run around and start blaming others without any sort of data (you know, like code issues, or even god forbid, a link to the page). YOU are supposed to be a forum administrator, YOU need to learn how to debug your forums for issues. Did you try it on the default skin? Did you disable addons one by one? Did you inspect the elements to see if its a CSS issue?

These are all basic things for a forum administrator to do. Unfortunately, you don't seem to want to even do the bare minimum involved in running a website. A font is the wrong color? You come in here spouting hate, rather then, you know... changing the color of the font yourself.
I will try that. Thank you very much once again Outlaw.

Edit: Ok that puts the log in widget in the forums screen, but not the home page "articles" page, which was setup by xenporta 2... This is why I think Jaxel should be helping here instead of just on-looking.....
juat to be clear you do have the "position" field for the visitor panel widget entered as "forum_list, EWRporta2_ArticleList" correct?
juat to be clear you do have the "position" field for the visitor panel widget entered as "forum_list, EWRporta2_ArticleList" correct?
I think he's commingling his forum with two different widget frameworks and getting confused because they both work differently.

You said right. My column is on the left. Is THAT the issue?

* I understand you don't like supporting your products and but the language in 75% of your 2nd to last post is completely uncalled for.
Thank you very much Outlaw. I saw that already, just didnt have the chance to implement yet.

I'm very appreciative and always willing to give back once I learn :)
Looks line an overflow/alignment issue within your skin. You'll have to look into your CSS to figure out why.

Hi :) Thanks for that. I've been having a look around and it seems when I change the Sidebar from Right to Left on the UI.X Theme, it creates that css issue. When I revert back to having the Sidebar on the right, it fixes itself. However no joy in fixing it so far so may have to resign to having the Sidebar on the right. :(
Hey! I was having a bit of trouble with Xenporta 2 PRO's Article header!

How do I get the Profile Picture of the person who posted the thread in before the header text? Is there an option that I'm missing or something?
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Hello Jaxel, I have installed a completely new xenforo 1.5.11 installation and xenporta 1.2.0. I didn't install anything else and didn't touch the default skin. I have encountered something strange when I enabled the Widget Framework in Article View.



As you can see, above the article the forum appears. If I disable Widget Framework, the forum goes away.
Do also note the protruding text field of the "New Profile Posts" widget.
The recent threads widget appearing is normal... Its in the default layout.

I couldn't tell you why the text field is protruding without seeing the actual code.
The recent threads widget appearing is normal... Its in the default layout.

I couldn't tell you why the text field is protruding without seeing the actual code.
Here is the HTML of the textarea that protrudes:

<textarea name="message" class="textCtrl StatusEditor UserTagger Elastic" placeholder="Update your status..." rows="1" cols="40" data-statuseditorcounter="#statusEditorCounter"></textarea>

And here is the CSS:


It seems "width" is missing. If I add a width: -moz-available to textarea.textCtrl, the box looks perfect. But -moz-available is only for firefox. Isn't there something available that works for all browsers? I could set width: 100%, but then the border to the right becomes smaller:


Edit: It seems box-sizing: border-box together with width: 100% does the trick:


Edit 2: More information: It seems that the textarea only protrudes if the Recent Threads widget is set above article view. If I set the Recent Threads widget to the sidebar, the textarea doesn't protrude.
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Is there any way to set permissions for the Authors page? Can't find anything under the Usergroup permissions. Thanks.
I've found this code in the EWRporta2_AuthorList template but it's different to the normal Xenforo conditionals...
<xen:if is="{$perms.admin}">

Can I simply change that to <xen:if is="{$visitor.is_admin} OR {$visitor.is_moderator}"> ?


Tried that, it didn't work, also tried
<xen:if is="{$perms.admin} OR {$perms.moderator}">
but that didn't work either. How can I allow my moderators to add or edit the Authors page? Thanks.
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