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[8wayRun.Com] XenUtiles (Tools)

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you have to make var/www/myweb/html/forumfolder/data/statistics/ writable;)
I have deleted my post after i recognized that too.

And yes @ jaxel ;) Or just leave an Info in the first post to add this Folder and make it writeable ;)
Hi Jaxel. Thanks for the Update. Is it possible to restrict the Statspage to Admins, mods etc?!

@Paul: This is the way to solve your problem. It has nothing to do with xenforo.


Tried that, same again - increased to 128mb - same problem!

Manually added statistics folder and cron job ran successfully.

How long did it take?

Mine's been running for ~8 hours now.

What format is stats_date in? It's currently filled up to 1153958400 but I'm not sure how to convert that to a date. If it's a unix timestamp than it's July 2006 so looks like it's not got very far yet.
It finally finished and then gave me this error: Fatal error: Class 'XenForo_ControllerResponse_Message' not found in /var/hsphere/local/home/www/site/library/XenForo/Controller.php on line 721

Still nothing appearing at /statistics (is this meant to be created manually?) but the images have now been created in /data/statistics
It finally finished and then gave me this error: Fatal error: Class 'XenForo_ControllerResponse_Message' not found in /var/hsphere/local/home/www/site/library/XenForo/Controller.php on line 721

Still nothing appearing at /statistics (is this meant to be created manually?) but the images have now been created in /data/statistics
i dont believe you are supposed to create /statistics. iirc, creating that directory will cause problems for you.
here is an earlier exchange that may explain the difference between data/statistics and /statistics:

'/community/data/sitemaps/index.xml' is the only sitemap i have, and it works fine for me.
'/community/sitemap' sits empty, despite chmod 777

/community/sitemap/ is not a REAL directory... just as /community/forums/ and community/media/ are not real directories. They are XenForo routes.

In this case, /community/sitemap/ is a route to /community/data/sitemaps/index.xml

The index is a sitemap index that will automatically handle the _1, _2, _3 etc of sitemap files. The idea of the route is to make it easier for people because they only need to send 1 simple URL. You guys are over complicating things.

you know what is happening?
many of us had the 'simple sitemap' addon already installed, and the sitemap directory is included in the upload.
so we do have an actual sitemap folder, and it sits empty.
it seems a bit silly to have 'total x (over all time)' stretching back to 1970 when the site has only been in operation since november...
is there any chance of being able to config the timeframe? for example:
total x over the past month
total x since (board start date)

instead i get this, and the board has been running 8 months!

i dont believe you are supposed to create /statistics. iirc, creating that directory will cause problems for you.
here is an earlier exchange that may explain the difference between data/statistics and /statistics:

Cheers, that's what I thought but /statistics gives me a page not found error.
it seems a bit silly to have 'total x (over all time)' stretching back to 1970 when the site has only been in operation since november...
is there any chance of being able to config the timeframe? for example:
total x over the past month
total x since (board start date)

instead i get this, and the board has been running 8 months!

View attachment 17256
The beginning is setup by the registration date of your earliest member. You have a member who is set to have registered at the 0 hour.
The beginning is setup by the registration date of your earliest member. You have a member who is set to have registered at the 0 hour.

Is it possible to manually set a start date for the statistics plots? We have members registered from years ago but have since pruned all our forum posts to the last few years so it looks a bit strange.

Even a setting to start the plots from now onwards would be quite nice so our plots start fresh with time(0) just equal to whatever the totals imported from vbulletin were.
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