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[8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events)

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Great mod I have just installed it without any issue. I am curious though when establishing the timeline is it just assumed each event is 6 hours? or am I missing something here I am trying to set up an event which is a meeting but only making it for one hour but I cant seem to do it.

thank you
It defaults to 6 hours I believe but you can easily change that when you make the event, just click it and change the date,time etc...
Great mod I have just installed it without any issue. I am curious though when establishing the timeline is it just assumed each event is 6 hours? or am I missing something here I am trying to set up an event which is a meeting but only making it for one hour but I cant seem to do it.

thank you
It defaults to 6 hours I believe but you can easily change that when you make the event, just click it and change the date,time etc...

Set Minimum Event Hours in Options to 1
Suggestion for future version: allowing you to choose any of your forums to post events in, without the events addon taking control of it. As of right now, if you make forum a the location where events are sent, whenever you make a post in forum a, it takes you to the events screen....unless my forum is just jacked :D
After updating to 1.3.1, I seem to have lost my avatar on the events:

events-no-avatar.webp events-with-avatar.webp

Any ideas on what to do to retrieve the avatar on the events views?
There is a bug with playback for Justin.TV streams on IE8 (I know you hate IE but as long as my members use it, have to deal with it). I tried playing on multiple pc's and the stream would not play on IE but it played in FF. The pop-up message indicates XenAtendo has a configuration issue for the stream.

Below is the full embed code that the JustinTV pop-up offered:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="295" width="353" id="live_embed_player_flash" data="http://www.justin.tv/widgets/live_embed_player.swf?channel=terabubi bgcolor="#000000"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="allownetworking" value="all" /><param name="movie" value="http://www.justin.tv/widgets/live_embed_player.swf" /><param name="flashvars" value="channel=terabubi&auto_play=false&start_volume=25" /></object>
Can't get this app to work with LiveStream. I entered the following URL in the ACP: http://www.livestream.com/xfire_azyron1 it didn't work in XenAtendo but it works in a browser. The site shows an alternate URL for the same feed, http://livestre.am/DIrs which doesn't work either. The channel is live. I searched the source code for URL and there is nothing indicating any other URL.

This is a gaming broadcast so I doubt the user paid the several hundeds of dollars per month LiveStream requires for premium features. I tried several other Live channels with games broadcasting, same result.
There is a bug with playback for Justin.TV streams on IE8 (I know you hate IE but as long as my members use it, have to deal with it). I tried playing on multiple pc's and the stream would not play on IE but it played in FF. The pop-up message indicates XenAtendo has a configuration issue for the stream.
View attachment 12605

Below is the full embed code that the JustinTV pop-up offered:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="295" width="353" id="live_embed_player_flash" data="http://www.justin.tv/widgets/live_embed_player.swf?channel=terabubi bgcolor="#000000"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="allownetworking" value="all" /><param name="movie" value="http://www.justin.tv/widgets/live_embed_player.swf" /><param name="flashvars" value="channel=terabubi&auto_play=false&start_volume=25" /></object>
Fixed for next version. This is bad coding by justin.tv, they REQUIRE "allowscriptaccess" and the id "live_embed_player_flash" in IE... no reason for it, but they are dumb.

Can't get this app to work with LiveStream. I entered the following URL in the ACP: http://www.livestream.com/xfire_azyron1 it didn't work in XenAtendo but it works in a browser. The site shows an alternate URL for the same feed, http://livestre.am/DIrs which doesn't work either. The channel is live. I searched the source code for URL and there is nothing indicating any other URL.

This is a gaming broadcast so I doubt the user paid the several hundeds of dollars per month LiveStream requires for premium features. I tried several other Live channels with games broadcasting, same result.
The problem with that URL is INCREDIBLY bad coding by livestream and xfire. According to RFC standards, you can not have a domain/sub-domain with an underscore in it. Zend HTTP is programmed to meet this standard and thusly, because there is an underscore in the subdomain of the json feed, the URL you supplied can not be read.

http://xxfire_azyron1x.api.channel.livestream.com/2.0/info.json (see the underscore?)
Fixed for next version. This is bad coding by justin.tv, they REQUIRE "allowscriptaccess" and the id "live_embed_player_flash" in IE... no reason for it, but they are dumb.

The problem with that URL is INCREDIBLY bad coding by livestream and xfire. According to RFC standards, you can not have a domain/sub-domain with an underscore in it. Zend HTTP is programmed to meet this standard and thusly, because there is an underscore in the subdomain of the json feed, the URL you supplied can not be read.

http://xxfire_azyron1x.api.channel.livestream.com/2.0/info.json (see the underscore?)

ok, but how about the alternate URLs they provide? For that particular stream they provided http://livestre.am/DIrs

A CSS suggestion for Upcoming Events module. I removed the avatar from my code and it looks much better imo. To share an example, I used an event I found on your site, added the identical event to my site, and the image below shows the comparison. All 3 lines of text are cut off on your image because of the space the avatar takes up.


Also a new bug with JustinTV streams. In both FF and Chrome the chat box is oversized so users can only read chat but not type in it. It appears the bottom of the chat box has been extended (empty white area in image below) and the box which allows users to type is behind this area. You can view this issue best when the User List is open since the white area from the list does not extend down.

The problem with that URL is INCREDIBLY bad coding by livestream and xfire. According to RFC standards, you can not have a domain/sub-domain with an underscore in it. Zend HTTP is programmed to meet this standard and thusly, because there is an underscore in the subdomain of the json feed, the URL you supplied can not be read.
http://xxfire_azyron1x.api.channel.livestream.com/2.0/info.json (see the underscore?)
I don't know if this helps, but you should also be able to use - instead of _
Hi Jaxel,

How come the event doesnt show my avatar? Works fine everywhere else but in the actual 'event' section it shows like this;

Is there a way to have the event module show upon the forum home page? I have no reason to use a portal on my site.
[8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events) v1.3.2 CHANGELOG
  • Fixed xfire links for Livestream accounts...
  • Fixed avatar display for events that don't have streams.
  • Fixed stream embed for justin.tv and internet explorer.
  • Small calendars will now only link on days with events.
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