Unmaintained UI.X

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Reviews 4.97 star(s) 118 reviews

The framework is just too good to be true - but it is. So easy to work with, so easy to adapt, so easy to understand and very, very flexible. Support is also brilliant, I mean what's not to like? You get a first class framework with a nice theme wrapped around it for an exceptional price. Top class product, top class support.
Got me grinnin' Dave thank you so much!!
Brilliant. Really makes Xenforo a gorgeous forum. I've now installed it on two forums and I'm real pleased with the results. Easy to modify, easy to operate. Really good control panel too.
Thank you so much for the review! I am so happy it was easy to work with.
Nothing else compares in terms of power and flexibility. It is very easy to adjust the default UI.X settings until you create a style that suits your needs perfectly. There is an eye for detail in many UI.X themes that cannot be found in others. I also like that the framework is continuously adding features and being optimised to keep up with the web. The support is also fast and friendly. :)
I feel as though you really noticed the main things we were going for. Detail, steady features, flexibility, and quality support. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this review. We are happy to have your support!
Probably the most modern Xenforo style around (certainly best I've worked with) with almost all variables configurable outside of code - and support was outstanding responding to my queries.
Thank you for taking the time to write the review, and thanks for the idea on key strokes thats great! I hope you continue to enjoy the theme and thank you for using it.
Great design, very high quality HTML and CSS. The templates are fun to play with, the UI.X custom style properties are amazingly well done and carefully wrapped around most every feature you'd want to change. It's really good work. $30 is also way cheaper than other designs I've seen that are this popular and pleasing to the eye.

I also bought UI.X Dark, because people requested a dark theme, and the way that works as a child template is amazingly thoughtful and has saved me boatloads of time not duplicating changes over.
Very much appreciate you taking the time! Im glad you like the product and are taking advantage of the dark child theme, really makes it easier to have multiple variations! Thanks again for your support!
What's there to say? This is the best theme for XenForo that one can purchase and has an absolutely amazing framework attached to it. It can and will transform your XenForo site into something truly awesome. I recommend this theme to anyone that is looking for the best. It also doesn't hurt that the support is rated as excellent in case you run into any issues, which hasn't been the case yet for me. ;)
Thank you so much!! Im so glad you like it and that it has been working for you. Thanks for your purchase and keep an eye out for a new release coming this week!!
At this moment I use 2 UI.X styles from Audentio [Mike] [Marston] on my multisite platform. This is by far the most complete, versatile and beautiful style on the market today. Lots of options and unlimited ways to tweak your style as you like. Regular updates also great. Servicelevel is Topnotch. Well done! [p.s] need a 3rd UI.X style soon.
Thank you kindly Paul! It is a joy to work with you!
As usual, brilliant! His support is the best, and I have a long list of support tickets where I air my suggestions and requests for an even better product. Each and every time, he excels in customer support and feedback.
Thanks so much again Ray. Im glad I can be of assistance and I appreciate your willingness to help UI.X grow with your awesome suggestions and bug reports. So I thank you for that too.
GREAT framework !!! And GREAT support !!!!!
Even if you made some mistakes, support is always here to help you, in any case !! And this style is almost perfect to be the new default one of Xenforo !!
Thank you so much! Glad we can provide the level of support we can to be helpful in your customization ventures! Appreciate your kind words.
Have worked with Mike on the design for AVForums using Skype and he knows Xenforo so well that it's hard to keep up with him when he's whizzing round the admin templates making changes. UI.X is a perfect solution for folks wanting flexibility and simplicity. Good job.
Thanks so much Stu! Appreciate you taking the time.
Is 6 stars possible? It should be for this! The best theme of them all. Not only is it packed with features, but the guys at Audentio update it constantly with fixes and user feature requests. The customer service is top notch as well and they will take time out to answer all of your questions.
Thank you so much for the awesome review, glad I could help. And yeah one of the things you needed Im glad we have it done on our dev board and will get it out ASAP. Thanks for using our product we are glad to have you as a customer!
Awesome, with constant updates that offer great new features. All devs should be like these guys. Best $40 I have spent, and not to mention a beginner like me has a great looking site because of this great theme.
Thank you so much for your review! Means a lot for you to say that. Hopefully you only spent $30 though! Unless you bought one of our other products as well. In either case thank you for your support!
As always, an awesome update with pretty much everything we asked ! I'm very pleased with this theme which allows me (us) to do everything I (we) want and need very quickly. It's been more than a year that I bought UI.X (September 1 st 2014) and I'm happy to see that it lasts so much time and I'm pretty confident with the fact that it can last (almost) forever ! I'm happy to see that you made it possible =D
And as always Hit, your support and appreciation means a lot to me. Thank you for upgrading your license! UI.X isn't going anywhere any time soon, we've got some great features planned, as always we will be optimizing it and making sure the user has absolutely the most amount of control as possible with their theme as it should be. Thanks again!
Awesome update! Love the new online indicator button you guys added to the postbit. Updated my style without any issues caused by the upgrade of UI.X. You guys do awesome work, and I never would have been able to get a decent looking (semi-custom) style for my site without spending $500+ if it wasn't for UI.X!
Jake, thank you for your review. Glad it was able to help you save some money!
Awesome framework and easy to install and manage. I really like the easiness and readiness of this theme. I didn't have to modify much except for template modifications for my plugins. I hope to see more awesome themes soon! :)
Appreciate that a lot. Had a lot of fun working with you, as well. You expressed your needs very clearly and made my job easier. Thank you so very much for your review.
Great framework for XenForo! Very easy to modify to look exactly how you want! It only took about an hour to make DietaryGaming's style off of it. If it wasn't for UI.X I would have had to spend over 10x more than I did to have a custom theme made by someone.
Thanks a lot Jake! Glad its working for you!
This will help us more in customization for our boards ! Great job and great update (and of course, great theme) !
Appreciate it Hit :) I tried to get you that on load sticky nav function. Not sure if itll work perfectly how you want but I think it is.
Good Theme, easily costumizable! very impressive work! Thanks
Thanks so much for the review!
Wow very impressive work. Purchased!
Thank you for your purchase! Hope you enjoy the product!
Of the dozens of styles I've purchased (often at greater cost) for my forum over the past several years, nothing comes close to UI.X.
The quality of this style and the amount of features it provides out of the box is astounding.

Really, I'd highly recommend anything from this developer, as he has exceeded my expectations at every turn.
Makes me happy to read your review, thank you for your kind words. We are very proud of UI.X and glad it can be of service to you.
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