Unmaintained UI.X

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Reviews 4.97 star(s) 118 reviews

I'm ok with default Xenforo style, but this one really impressed me. So I've decided to buy it.

It has a lot of settings so you can really customize functions to suit your needs. I think this is the most advance Xenforo style with great support.

Highly recommended!

Thanks, Audentio.
Thanks for such a great review! Im so glad you like the product and support.
This is just a wonderful framework. Very flexible, attractive, easy to customize. $30 is peanuts for the quality and flexibility of this style - I was all set to pay for a custom skin to be created for our upcoming transition to XF, but this is far better than anything I could have had created on the fly.

Finally, the author is extremely patient and helpful, answering questions and even providing additional functionality in the discussion thread. Can't recommend this highly enough.
Really appreciate you writing this review!
Makes style customization a breeze.
That is my goal! I am proud it is working well, and I appreciate the review!
This completes xenForo
Thank you so much for the review!
The support provided by Audentio Design alone is worth the $30.00 he charges for this framework.
Thank you very much! And if there is anything I can do to earn the 5 star let me know.
After a failed website with Elgg, I found Xenforo, then Audentio. I was losing membership FAST with the poorly designed Elgg custom site and needed rescuing. Audentio stepped in and installed the UI.X theme immediately. My membership LOVED it right away! I highly recommend anything from Audentio as they provide great design AND support!
Thank you QueenBee! :D Hope you are well!
The best style for Xenforo. Absolutely brilliant!
Thank you so much, appreciate it!
Great simple as that
Thank you very much!
Fantastic skin with many features! Could play around with it for days. Easy to install and makes forums look professional.
Loving it!
When you think premade styles, you should think Audentio. Otherwise you aren't thinking at all.
Thanks a lot, appreciate that!
This style is super awesome !
I believe this is the best custom style.
Fantastic update, can't ask for anything more.
Great framework!
Maybe the best base skin for Xenforo. We can do almost everything we have in mind, very easily. Audentio also provides a really good support. A must have in my opinion.
Appreciate the review and all your help!
I absolutely love this style! It has to be one of the most advanced styles ever created for XenForo. It's easy to work with and looks awesome. One of my favorite parts has to be the Minecraft preset for the AD Styler. :)
Glad you like it, thanks!
This is probably the most advanced style there is in the Xenforo Style market. Lots of options and lots of smart designing and Features. We hired Mike Creuzer to do some extra customization and he did a great job! We are a very happy UI.X style user.
Mods merged my post the previous one does not work. Please see end of this post now for detailed review.
Thanks so much for the review, and for making sure it stayed posted! Was a pleasure working on your site!
Awesome Framework :)
Very nice theme. This is the first theme i liked so much that i was compelled to purchase it. Thank you for the work.
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