Recent content by Gravity

  1. Gravity

    Internet Brands claims against XenForo

    I don't think they helped out intentionally, but gave a balanced view. The facts favour xenforo.
  2. Gravity

    Internet Brands claims against XenForo

    Good article, really.
  3. Gravity

    CMS with xenForo

  4. Gravity

    24-hour sale information [Time Zones]

    Everyone should remember that in fact, xenforo may not be able to speak freely about their situation at all. They have to be careful of the legal situation. I'm impressed they're intending to go on sale in any case. Imagine, they had a lawsuit dropped on their desk and needed to get legal advice...
  5. Gravity

    CMS with xenForo

    It's close enough. :) We also have a few related to CMS in the Pages 'have you seen'.
  6. Gravity

    Internet Brands claims against XenForo

  7. Gravity

    Internet Brands claims against XenForo

    How do you know this? Are there reports?
  8. Gravity

    Guess the Pre Release Licenses Sold

    What is it with you people wanting to know how much money, or not, xenforo makes. It's weird.
  9. Gravity

    Impossible to start reading unread thread from first post

    I had forgotten that. Maybe we should consider a visual-cue of some sort.
  10. Gravity

    Internet Brands claims against XenForo

    The beta, during which you can buy a license, is intended to start in a few hours from now.
  11. Gravity

    Internet Brands claims against XenForo

    I think you underestimate the importance of the developer community. It's very, very important. They are an army of volunteer developers, unpaid for the most part. They create an ecosystem which adds value to the forum platform through their network-effect. You in turn suggest not using those...
  12. Gravity

    Internet Brands claims against XenForo

    Everyone please calm down. If you were moderating your own communities, you'd expect civility and etiquette to remain. Such as you should expect here. Legal proceedings mean that Xenforo Ltd cannot speak freely anymore because everything can be used as evidence. They'll need legal advice and...
  13. Gravity

    Member's Reception to xenForo?

    I checked your site. How will you keep the front page working, with its blog-looking snippets? Edit: ignore that, I realised you haven't integrated the forums' content with blog comments, they're separate.
  14. Gravity

    Splash Page Included ?

    I'm going to have a portal-style front page, somehow, or if that's too bloody hard then I'll just have a blurb, a few images, plus a set of links that take people into the forums.
  15. Gravity

    Estimated Sale Numbers?

    I find this fascination with their results quite bizarre.
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