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[8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Lite Wiki)

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Hi there,

How do I get the right hand sidebar for the wiki to be a little bit wider. In my wiki there are some things with very long names and it really looks messy when text drops a line to fit it in. I am just wondering what CSS line I need to edit to expand the width a bit.

Sorry I didn't receive an answer for this so will ask again in the hope someone can help. I want to have a wiki set up for everyone to be able to add to. However when you go to create a new wiki page at the moment I (as the administrator) need to upload the icon for it.

Is there anyway to set it up so that for example if Dynamic came to my site and started a new page about himself then the image he first uploads or something is the image that is used for that page?

Sorry just trying to get things sorted so I can start using the wiki.
Is it possible to mask a subdomain over the wiki? Like wiki.domain.com for domain.com/wiki/index

I installed the addon and noticed that it points to domain.com/wiki/index but obviously the /wiki/ directory does not exist as I'm using Mod_Rewrite

Does anyone have any idea how I could point a wiki.domain.com sub-domain to a non-exist directory? I'm using this: but it will only work for an existing /wiki directory.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^wiki.domain.com$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^wiki.domain.com$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.com/wiki/index [R=301,L]
As it's supposed to. The sidebar shows every page in a family.

How about you don't make every page a child of a single parent?

If it is designed to have a hundred or so pages only, than XenCarta is fine.

XenCarta needs an option "Set as a parent" rather then displaying all created pages as a parent possibility. Pagination is also necessary on the Page List. Keep in mind wiki may have over several thousand pages.
Jaxel, I've been looking through the forum for template examples but was wondering if it would be possible for you to share the makeup of your general character page? Obviously mine would be different but I am extremely interested in how it was put together as I ma new to wiki templates.
Specific url style: http://8wayrun.com/wiki/abyss/
Jaxel, I've been looking through the forum for template examples but was wondering if it would be possible for you to share the makeup of your general character page? Obviously mine would be different but I am extremely interested in how it was put together as I ma new to wiki templates.
Specific url style: http://8wayrun.com/wiki/abyss/

Check the first few pages of this thread - I think Jaxel shared that way back at the beginning :)

Is anyone able to advise me the template syntax to test if a variable has been passed?

I'd like to run blocks of code when a variable is populated, and not run it when that variable is ommited.
I've started a thread to share XenCarta templates with the community
This helps a lot!

Check the first few pages of this thread - I think Jaxel shared that way back at the beginning :)

In mediawiki, you can have redirects so wiki/dogs goes to wiki/dog allowing you to redirect different versions of a word or person to end up at the same page. Is this possible with wiki lite? If not, could it be easily implemented?
In mediawiki, you can have redirects so wiki/dogs goes to wiki/dog allowing you to redirect different versions of a word or person to end up at the same page. Is this possible with wiki lite? If not, could it be easily implemented?
You'd have to use server redirects (probably too much hassle).

If you want a full blown wiki ... use schmitzIT 's mediawiki bridge.

Update: ask and ye shall receive ... looks like Moses has a solution for you.
In mediawiki, you can have redirects so wiki/dogs goes to wiki/dog allowing you to redirect different versions of a word or person to end up at the same page. Is this possible with wiki lite? If not, could it be easily implemented?
How about a quick javascript redirect template?

It'd still load the first page, but immediately redirect you to the right place. It'd still auto-link both terms as well... not the ideal solution perhaps, but a decent workaround

Javascript Redirect Template

Edit: Note I have updated this template since releasing it this morning.
I really don't like being forced to use this "top" & "hide" nonsense.

Anyone know where the "hide" link is located within the files so I can remove it?
I just hid these with a small change to the CSS

in EWRCarta.css
.wikiPage .wikiContent .toggle { margin-left: 5px; text-decoration: none; font-size: 10px; display: inline-block; }
.wikiPage .wikiContent .toggle { margin-left: 5px; text-decoration: none; font-size: 10px; display: none; }
Thanks... that was it. Commented out the whole section, much better now.

It was taking users to the forum homepage... useless.

Followed quickly by cutting from parser.php the silly top link:

<span class="gototop">(<a href="'.$pageLink.'#wikiPage">top</a>)</span>
Yeah, I've been waiting on the next update that fixes (hide) going to the homepage. Jaxel said he fixed it a while ago, I almost wish he'd just release the fix for that, as that's the only issue users currently have with the wiki.
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