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[8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Lite Wiki)

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Upgraded to the latest version, and within about 10 minutes I had two of my wiki people (we use it for guides and stuff) say that tables had lost cell borders which they had had in the previous version. Is that something that'll return in future updates?

Anyway love the addon and thanks for providing it for free, just this little niggle which a couple of users jumped on.
Thats part of CSS... the borders shouldn't have been there to begin with, which is why I took them out. If you want them back, just add the lines for it on EXTRA.css.
Hi all,
I've just installed this on a demo board and it's looking superb. I'll be migrating my ~400 VaultWiki articles once I get everything looking the business.

I've read all 39 pages and learnt quite a lot, one area I'd love some guidance on is how to handle tables. I note that Jaxel mentions "Sortable Tables" javascript, is this for HTML tables? Does anyone have some code example of a sortable table inserted into a wiki?

As an aside, my wiki has hundreds of tables recording sportsmens' performance by season, an automated way to allow users to edit and insert these without HTML knowledge would be superb. I've used wp-tables reloaded in Wordpress and would love something like that for XenCarta, or perhaps a way to embed google spreadsheets could also work.
I'm having an issue with the [h2] and [h3] tags...

When I use [h2], most formatting on the entire wiki article gets lost: example
[h2]On Field[/h2]
[h2]Rugby Career[/h2]
Wycliff Palu attended Balgowlah Boys High School. (Source: Wikipedia)

When I use [h3] it looks great, however the (hide) link just redirects me to forumhome. I've looked at 8wayrun and it works for me there, and I'm not missing any javascript libraries... example

[h2]Rugby Career[/h2]
Wycliff Palu attended Balgowlah Boys High School. (Source: Wikipedia)
I suspect something to do with your <div class="ToggleContents"></div> is more the problem, which is where it seems to be dropping under your float, instead of being allowed to come upwards naturally and wrap, as your entire outer wrapper is a block, which makes it full width to its outer content box unless specifically defined otherwise.
The wiki is really quite simple, being it uses the WYSIWYG editor for the majority of formatting.

You can then also custom CSS any specifics you want to add via using default wiki templates. Predefined templates allow you to insert a whole bunch of HTML or PHP by using a quick and simple bbcode style tag. Also caters a few variables so you can quickly enter info directly on a custom basis, without having to build a custom template for every use of something.

You then have a few specific wiki bbcode tags that build inner content menu or specific links.

Primarily, a page is all built via WYSIWYG and standard bbcode.
Do I need XenMedio (Media) installed to run XenCarta?

The snippet links of the search results lead to the XenMedio, it keeps giving me an error page if XenMedio is not installed.


<a href="{xen:link media, $wiki}">{xen:helper snippet, $wiki.page_content, 150, {xen:array 'term={$search.search_query}', 'emClass=highlight', 'stripQuote=1'}}</a>

The bug is easy to fix if it is a bug.

<a href="{xen:link wiki, $wiki}">{xen:helper snippet, $wiki.page_content, 150, {xen:array 'term={$search.search_query}', 'emClass=highlight', 'stripQuote=1'}}</a>
When I use [h3] it looks great, however the (hide) link just redirects me to forumhome. I've looked at 8wayrun and it works for me there, and I'm not missing any javascript libraries... example
It's a bug that I reported a page or two back and Jaxel said he will fix in next version.
I really don't like being forced to use this "top" & "hide" nonsense.

Anyone know where the "hide" link is located within the files so I can remove it?
Is it in EWRcarta_ajax.js

$toc.ready(function() {
$toc.find(':first').append('<span class="toggle">(<a href="#">'+hideText+'</a>)</span>');
Is it possible to use javascript in a template with a parameter passed from the wiki page?

Edit: I got this working, if anyone wants template code to convert a date of birth to Years and Months, here it is

<td class="player-primary"><b>Age</b></td>
<td class="player-primary"><script type="text/javascript">
var now = new Date();
var today = new Date(now.getYear(),now.getMonth(),now.getDate());
var yearNow = now.getYear();
var monthNow = now.getMonth();
var dateNow = now.getDate();
var datestring = {{{dob_yyyymmdd}}} + '';
var dob = new Date(datestring.substring(0,4), datestring.substring(4,6)-1, datestring.substring(6,8));
var yearDob = dob.getYear();
yearAge = yearNow - yearDob;
var monthDob = dob.getMonth();
if (monthNow >= monthDob) var monthAge = monthNow - monthDob; else { yearAge--;
var monthAge = 12 + monthNow -monthDob; };
if (monthAge > 1) var monthDisplay = ' Months Old'; else { var monthDisplay = ' Month Old' };
document.write (yearAge + ' Years, ' + monthAge + monthDisplay); </script></td>

| dob_yyyymmdd = 19760925
Is it in EWRcarta_ajax.js
Thanks... that was it. Commented out the whole section, much better now.

It was taking users to the forum homepage... useless.

Followed quickly by cutting from parser.php the silly top link:

<span class="gototop">(<a href="'.$pageLink.'#wikiPage">top</a>)</span>
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