
  1. XFA

    Unmaintained [ITD] Google Custom Search @ Sidebar Top 1.0.0

    This add-on will add Google custom search bar at sidebar top of your board. New Template: itd_custom_google_search_sbt Template Modification: PAGE_CONTAINER Instructions: Download the attached ZIP file Extrect it & upload the XML file onto your board with "Install Add-on" option. Enter...
  2. XFA

    Unmaintained [ITD] Google Custom Search @ Below TopBreadcrumb 1.0.0

    This add-on will add Google custom search bar at below top breadcrumb of your board. New Template: itd_custom_google_search_btb Template Modification: PAGE_CONTAINER Instructions: Download the attached ZIP file Extrect it & upload the XML file onto your board with "Install Add-on" option...
  3. ekool

    XF 1.5 xenForo Google results fall behind vBulletin

    We run a very large number of community sites (upwards of 200). We started moving a few sites over to the xenForo platform over the past few years and we do prefer this product over vBulletin. However, Google prefers vBulletin. What can we do about this? Here are a few examples to illustrate...
  4. bloop

    XF 1.4 Google Login and Recaptcha Not Working

    Hope someone can help. When trying to log in with Google this error appears Unable to Connect to ssl:// Error #110: Connection timed out Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket->connect() in Zend/Http/Client.php at line 973 Zend_Http_Client->request() in...
  5. Adam K M

    Google released a material design framework for web (finally)!

    Hey guys! So google has released a (second?) material design framework for the world wide web, and this time it looks simply fantastic and much more easily integratable with most websites nowadays, unlike polymer that preceded it. It's always so tempting to pop this down on a xenForo style...
  6. Neal

    reCAPTCHA v2 - Does anything need to be changed in xenForo?

    I received the following email from Google reCAPTCHA today. I'm not sure if anything needs to be adjusted on the xenForo side so thought i'd post it just in case. :)
  7. wmtech

    [TAC] Auth Captcha 1.0.3

    If you like this add-on, please >> rate it << Included in the [TAC] Total Anti-Spam Collection. Description If you've noticed a sudden trend of bots registering via FaceBook/Google/Twitter, then like me you want to stop it quickly. The FaceBook/Google/Twitter registration page is often...
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