
  1. M

    XF 1.4 Googlebot filling 'search' table with tons of data, leading to a database crash

    Googlebot has been actively accessing our Recent Posts page (multiple times per second). This translates to a heavy load on our database, because xenForo adds a record to the 'search' table each time Googlebot hits the page. We migrated to a new server in order to cope with this load...
  2. Robru

    Google/Guetzli Perceptual JPEG encoder

    Guetzli is a JPEG encoder that aims for excellent compression density at high visual quality. Guetzli-generated images are typically 20-30% smaller than images of equivalent quality generated by libjpeg. Guetzli generates only sequential (nonprogressive) JPEGs due to faster decompression speeds...
  3. wcbryant

    Implement Google's Perspective (moderation;machine learning post/user toxicity API)

    While there is already a movement to create this as a third-party addon, this would seem to fit right into the philosophy and direction of the core product and current suite of moderation and filtering controls. Being able to give moderators the ability to have...
  4. tenants

    ReCaptcha - NoCaptcha The Inner Workings

    So google aren't going to turn around and let people know how this works, they might not have to. I have always personal thought it has something to do with mouse movement, keypress, key touch, but most of the time, it might be simpler than that. This article explains it might have something to...
  5. DohTheme

    Unmaintained Materialecho 1.5.24

    We want all xenForo community to feel Material experience so we are pleased to publish Materialecho theme with 50% off. Full Features: Fully Responsive Layout Clean Retina & HD display Support Google Material Font & Icons Choose from "fixed" or "fluid" width from style properties 3...
  6. Robru

    Google: Mobile-first Indexing Friday, November 04, 2016

    Today, most people are searching on Google using a mobile device. However, our ranking systems still typically look at the desktop version of a page’s content to evaluate its relevance to the user. This can cause issues when the mobile page has less content than the desktop page because our...
  7. X

    XF 1.5 Sitemap Error Warning 403s Threads Behind Logon

    In order to really hone-in on our quality content in Google rankings, we put our "Off Topic" forum behind the login. There are tens of thousands of posts in that forum, and the XenForo sitemap is still generating them as part of the sitemap. Even though technically anything that is behind a...
  8. AlexL777

    Can I Google Adsense in XenForo Forum officially Embed

    Hello Community, I've got a very important question for me. And although I may include in my XenForo forum Google Adsense? Is it officially allowed, because somewhere I read that I was not allowed to use commercially some XenForo Addons. Such addons I use, unfortunately. Therefore I do not...
  9. P

    Social Network Authentication (Twitter, Google,

    Can I do authentication through social networks (Twitter, Google,
  10. DNZYSL

    XF 1.5 google search content

    when we search in Google with our domain like : ; there are shown menus,forums, etc. we see a result as Menu; Home · Forumlar; Üyeler; Menü. Giriş Yap. Sadece başlıklarda ara. Gönderen kullanıcı: İsimleri virgül ile ayırın. Şu tarihten yeni olanlar:. instead of...
  11. ActorMike

    Associated Accounts

    I've had a lot of success getting people to associate their accounts with Facebook/Twitter/Google. I'm just curious, are their any benefits to this from our perspective? I.E. SEO, or marketing, social media use etc? I use the welcome email to direct people to connect their accounts with...
  12. Hoffi

    Duplicate AMP Power...

    Di you plan to implement AMP in the next Version? Accelerate Mobile Pages is a really interesting approach to power up the websites,
  13. DohTheme

    Unmaintained Nougat "formerly Marshmallow" 1.5.24

    Introducing New Three Flavors of Nougat. We don’t create the perfect themes, we create the theme describes your community and this make it the perfect one. Just 5 minutes playing around the Features, you will meet fully your desire We are proud to launch our new xenForo Theme –...
  14. Thomas.B

    Unmaintained Let me google that for you 1.1.0

    With this BBcode your users can quickly create custom links. You can specify the default link text with the phrase awedo_lmgtfy_link_text in your default forum language. You can use the variable {keyWords} which will be replaced by the key words entered between the two tags...
  15. Snog

    Google Search Results

    Has anyone else noticed that for quite some time now Google search results usually return more irrelevant sites than sites that contain useful information? I don't mean just forums either. I mean in general. What I've found in many cases is the main site you're looking for usually comes up 2...
  16. V

    Google Structured data for Xenforo

    In the PAGE_CONTAINER Template , The following script for google structured data is there <xen:if is="{$isIndexPage} AND {$canSearch}"> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "WebSite", "url": "{xen:jsescape {xen:link canonical:index}}"...
  17. jflory7

    XF 1.5 Google authentication no longer functioning

    Hello all, Firstly, when setting up Google authentication for my site,, I followed the official guide provided by the XenForo team. A month or two ago, a user contacted me saying that they were no longer able to log into the site with Google, and they were presented with...
  18. MR.MB

    XF 1.5 need help for my threads on google (Route Filters)

    HI, I use Route Filters for few days after that i remove it but google get no change for back when i try to remove the filters i see that all the threads on google not come back to normal url i cant access my threads from google now if i remove the filters so anyone can help me what can i do...
  19. AppleAndMango

    XF 1.5 Mass Email Issue... Google SMTP

    Hello! I tried to send a mass email out this morning though I received the following error... I've tried using Google's SMTP server using SSL/TSL having the same error message. I have found this.. But I'm...
  20. AndreaMarucci

    XF 1.5 How to create a new BBCode

    I'm not a coder so I'm trying to understand how to do that. I've this code to embed a google map in a message <iframe src="" width="100%" height="450"></iframe> so how can I create a new BBCode to do that? There's someone...
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