
  1. frostoloh

    Not a bug Google chrome bug

    If I want to post a new thread and I click on anything, it opens a google page without me writing.
  2. nuzik

    XF 2.2 Google registration not working

    Hi guys i think i followed through the steps correctly for log in registration via google but i get the error message Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource.
  3. spirogg

    XF 2.2 google rich results test. Page partially loaded Not all page resources could be loaded. This can affect how Google sees and understands your page.

    using google search console testing rich results test. mobile and desktop - I see this error for my website? wonder if there are any changes that need to be done to fix these errors. is the code not correct? Page partially loaded Not all page resources could be loaded. This can affect how...
  4. N

    How I Find Angel Investors For My Unque Website Idea?

    How can I find?
  5. BassMan

    [cXF] Google Translate Forum 1.0.0

    Description: Add Google Translate to your forum with some extra features. Features: set style: horizontal, vertical or simple Google Translate predefined positions: above or below notices, below bottom breadcrumbs or add a template to the widget, advertising position or anywhere you like (more...
  6. GOOGLE.mp4


    G...O... O...
  7. V3NTUS

    XF 2.1 Google OAuth stopped working all of a sudden. "An error occurred while connecting with Google. Please try again later."

    A few users reported this issue and I was able to reproduce it, so I'll report it here. Go to Connected account providers and test Google. It'll show the following error message: "An error occurred while connecting with Google. Please try again later." It worked perfectly for years, and now...
  8. janslu

    Implemented nofollow links evolve to ugc

    Google has announced expansion of rel="nofollow" link standard to contain more detailed rel="ugc" for User Generated Content. This may also be combined with existing nofollow - to be rel="ugc nofollow". I think this may be a good addition to external links in posts at some point in time...
  9. P

    XF 1.5 Google results displaying old date on forum category pages

    Hi All, just wondering if anyone has any idea why google is displaying this old date "9 Apr 2017" against my forum category pages when they appear in the google search results. I noticed it on category pages only and not on the homepage. The forum is a busy forum and updated regularly. I'm...
  10. Dan Blather

    [XF 2.0] Google will only index about 30% of XenForo URLs

    The site: I started the site in 1994 (!), and the message board has been online since 1996. Change from vBulletin to XenForo: 5 January 2019. Problem: since I switched the message board software from vBulletin 4 to XenForo 2.0, and from http to https, Google removed a...
  11. mrmad

    Unmaintained Google Search 1.1.0 German Language (Deutsch, Du-Version) 1.1.0

    Description: This is a German translation for the Google Search Add-on
  12. Kevin

    Google smart enough now to suggest XF URLs?

    So the Google client app on my phone (not Google News, not Google Assistant, the main Google app) shows suggest content and I couldn't help but notice that it was suggesting an XF Resource. And, not only an XF RM page, but it included the screen shot. 😲 Now I just need to figure out how to...
  13. Ozzy47

    [OzzModz] Google Adsense tips and visual overview of ad positions

    Below you will find visual templates to help you choose the best location for your ads. You will also find some tips I use to monetize my forum. I would love to start a discussion over here with other forum admins to share your thoughts. Guests vs. Members Ask yourself: Do you really want to...
  14. Fastline


    By default, the Sitemap settings are there. I created one post and searched on Google but no results for my forum. I visited the forum of XF and searched for the latest post which was created 10mins ago when writing this and it was there. So how is this possible. Do i need to do something...
  15. nrep

    Decline of Forums/UGC in Google

    I know that many large site owners here will have seen a drop in search engine referral traffic, particularly starting in November 2012. It seems to be a common story for large UGC sites, using all sorts of different forum software. I'm sure many sites weren't affected (or benefited) - so this...
  16. CMTV

    Unmaintained Google Search 1.1.0

    Description This addon integrates Google Search Engine in your forum allowing users to search the forum with Google search. Moreover, Google search can be automatically performed if standart xenForo search system haven't found anything or failed. Please read the installation instructions...
  17. Fastline

    XF 2.0 Sitemap help

    Will Google also crawl the conversations of the members or the conversation title? I'm using XF 2.0.x
  18. Pacco

    Unmaintained Include downloaded fonts in Xenforo

    By the way, this page is very helpful: Select the desired font on the left. Then turn right at "2. Select styles "select the desired font thicknesses (easiest just all). At "3. Select Copy CSS "only" Modern Browsers "and specify the...
  19. C

    XF 2.0 Two-Step Verification problems

    Okay, I purchased a new iPhone and transfered all my apps to it. I had a Google Authenticator app that was used for Two-Step Verification codes. It was used exclusively for logging in to my admin on Xenforo. When I got the new phone the app asked me to set up the app again. I am trying to do...
  20. AlexL777

    XF 2.0 How can I work for Admin Links with noFollow Attribute

    Hello Community, With Xenforo 2.0.1 there is a possibility with the noFollow attribute on all external links. In the ACP I find no such option where I can adjust that. I would like to post in the forum any external link NoFollow attribute. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance.
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