Lack of interest Your attachments

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Well-known member
Requesting "Your attachments" option in userCP and in the dropdown in the navbar.

Upon clicking it should list all user's attachments in alphabetical and chronological order (choosable).

I like vB4 attachment manager but it's a little confusing to an average user. Maybe a simpler and better designed version for XenForo?
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How phpBB deals with attachments.

It's a very useful system.

View attachment 2622

Can you explain why this is so useful? vBbulletin has the same kind of system, I believe? :

attachments vB.webp

My list consists of 151 pages of the above. 151 pages... what good does it do to me having to browse this huge (and ever growing) list of attachments? What is the benefit? I never understood it and therefor I never used this puzzling page ever. Maybe I am missing the obvious, but the usefulness of a system like this is beyond me. Can anyone explain it to me?

An attachment manager is pretty crude considering there isn't a way to search for your attachment. It would only be practical if you had a few dozen attachments. But what if you have thousands of attachments, looking manually for an attachment isn't practical.

Can you explain why this is so useful?
I find it useful for when I need to locate an attachment.
I can sort on file name, thread title, comments, etc. which makes it easy to locate a particular attachment.
Not sure what else I can explain.
I find it useful for when I need to locate an attachment.
I can sort on file name, thread title, comments, etc. which makes it easy to locate a particular attachment.
Not sure what else I can explain.

Well... you've explained exactly what was needed :). You see, on the dreadful vBulletin 4 you can NOT sort that overview on anything. You just... can't. 13 developers... so many managers... and still to this very day vBulletin 4 it so crap on so many UI/UX areas, it is appalling really.
As kindly abbreviated by Doctor.

To really finish off the multi-upload functionality here, I believe some form of management of attachments should be implemented so that we can control the attachments that we have uploaded.
Things like viewing our uploads (and how much space we've consumed), ability to delete the attachments, etc. would be useful so that we can re-use the attachments without having to scour X amount of threads looking for it to re-use.

An attachment manager is pretty crude considering there isn't a way to search for your attachment. It would only be practical if you had a few dozen attachments. But what if you have thousands of attachments, looking manually for an attachment isn't practical.

Again I feel the Search function should be used to find previous attachments. Perhaps having an option box that limits results to those posts with attachments would be a cool feature to include in the Advanced Search.

I wholeheartedly agree with you AndyB, see my comments in another thread here:

I hate Internet Brands vBulletin 4's attachment system with a passion: :mad:

My dear God... imagine confronting my novice forum users with such an overwhelming system (which completely seems out-of-line / stitched upon the rest of the forum system doesn't it?)... no thank you. I almost never ever had the need to re-use any of my attachments on for instance. And I posted a lot over there. In those 2 instances that I did need a previously uploaded attachment, I tried this new vB4 Attachment 'manager', but really.... how I am supposed to find my previous attachments back in a list of 56 pages?!! The only way to get some indication on attachments is to putting them in subfolders in the Attachment Manager and then you have the chance you can find something back. Although the chances are less then 1%, aren't they? I mean come on... do I really need to create subfolders to be able to find my stuff back? How unbelievable user unfriendly is that? Sure, this works on photographs on your local harddisk when you are managing photo's with your desktop OS, but surely a product like vBulletin is a whole different ball game.

Whoever came up with vB4's dreadful system... really. I hope XenForo ltd. actually thinks before putting up it's customers with a system so puzzling as that one.
A decent attachment manager should include search functionality to browse the attachments. It should also have title/date/downloads sorting to sort them.
I agree with both of your points of view. Grover, it does become an issue with lots of pages of attachments but I'd rather have a central location to find the attachments than have to scour the threads looking for an attachment. I agree that vBulletin's system was complicated and a little redundant, but you know as well as I do that if a suggestion gets implemented, it gets implemented with great care and great UX in mind :P
A decent attachment manager should include search functionality to browse the attachments. It should also have title/date/downloads sorting to sort them.

Why create another search engine when you already have one. Just add a check box to Advanced Search to restrict results to posts with attachments.
Why create another search engine when you already have one. Just add a check box to Advanced Search to restrict results to posts with attachments.
This still doesn't create a centralised location to actually view what attachments you've uploaded. I created the suggestion because I'd like a centralised location to find my attachments and make it better to actually re-use them instead of going search > advanced search > James > [ ] Show only results with attachments.
As kindly abbreviated by Doctor.

To really finish off the multi-upload functionality here, I believe some form of management of attachments should be implemented so that we can control the attachments that we have uploaded.
Things like viewing our uploads (and how much space we've consumed), ability to delete the attachments, etc. would be useful so that we can re-use the attachments without having to scour X amount of threads looking for it to re-use.

I would love to see something like this implemented into Xenforo with the exception of allowing you to delete them as it can mess up older post!
i think vb4's attachment system looks great, but needed some XF magic

For starters if they are an image, you should at least see a thumbnail or whats the point in seeing them at all ... As some have already said, images can have some pretty dull filenames LOL
I think that Kind of system is important ... regarding vb4 sys that sort what you upload ... it will be useful if you can limit a member group with a specific space so he can deal with space he has to upload ,,,
After trying (in vain) to find an attachment I posted a while ago, I'd say being able to view your attachments is pretty darn useful :)
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