[XTR] Today in History [Deleted]

I signed up in your web because I've been looking for a feature like this for my forum. I see an administrator has to approve my membership, I hope it happens soon.,, I want to buy this add-on ASAP... Thanks
Any news on a fix for the order the events are in?
My today in history page:
I added 8 Nov 1942 after i have put an entry in for 8th Nov 2010, but on the today in history page and the widgets it always displays in the order they were created rather than the year of the event.

Anyone got quick fix for it, i tried to look in the PHP files, but couldn't see anything to change default order to year of event...
Any news on a fix for the order the events are in?
My today in history page:
View attachment 276166
I added 8 Nov 1942 after i have put an entry in for 8th Nov 2010, but on the today in history page and the widgets it always displays in the order they were created rather than the year of the event.

Anyone got quick fix for it, i tried to look in the PHP files, but couldn't see anything to change default order to year of event...

I think someone is calling me :)...
The new version will release in 48 hrs.

XDinc updated [XTR] Today in History with a new update entry:

Changelog 1.0.5

1.0.5 Change log
  • Add-on templates updated to XF 2.2.11+
  • Template modifications are updated.
  • Admin widget options updated.
  • The historical event page default sort types updated.
  • Widget style layouts updated.
  • Comment macros updated.
Fixed Bugs
  • Attempt to read property "group_id" on null error fixed.
  • The image bug related when adding a custom URL was fixed.
XenForo 2.2.x and PHP 8.1+ Compatibility Update...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Funny, funny, how should I buy it?
There is no button?

Button comes with xenforo-token. No onfo there for that?
And now funny, funny, i have chosen another country than the one I am now in holiday. Now i cant buy and need another half hour to search for way to change that?
1) Installed a minute ago.
Have not set any forum for threads!
But there is now: [Overview] [Discussion]

1. You force me to have a discussion for an event?
Then I need a forum for it, and you really should force me to set up a forum.


2. I am free to choose to have events without any thread. Then please don't show me the link [Discussion]
2) I tried to upload an icon
  • InvalidArgumentException: File does not exist
  • src/XF/Http/ResponseFile.php:16

    public function __construct($fileName)
        if (!file_exists($fileName))
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('File does not exist');

Maybe I have to check me server permissions?

=> Checked! Makes no difference.
3) Now I have a forum for threads, but still no thread.

3a) Cant find a way to add/change/delete a thread like in the resource manager.

3b) If I add a new event, I can choose a forum or none! If I don't choose a forum, I have the same problem like before in 1); there is a link [discussion], but no thread.
Conclusion: 40$ paid for an add-on that is not finished!
This is a beta, maybe. You may want to finish it soon, please?
Or maybe pay my money back?
I have installed now the last version; it seems to me, this addon is till not finished.
I try to upload an icon; nothing happens.
I have a linkt to a thread, but there is no thread.
I dont know where to add/edit such a thread or let a thread be created.

I am not sure now, if should use this for a new text project or not;
you may can tell me/us, if you will finish this add-on in next time?
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