XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

Update: I set the board in WP and XF ends, but it still isn't automatically posting. (My News/Announcements board is ID # 1)
this has to share the same cookie in order to use the all in one signup feature. if I want wordpress at mysite.com and xenforo on forum do I have to make sub forum like forum.mysite.com or can i install xenforo in a folder and route the url as mysite.com/forum? Thanks
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View attachment 180226

That's odd, tagging @Lukas W.

Update: I set the board in WP and XF ends, but it still isn't automatically posting. (My News/Announcements board is ID # 1)

Are you 100% certain it's ID #1? If you're working from a fresh XenForo install, and not something migrated from another platform this likely isn't possible as the defaut node ID 1 is a category, and you can't convert from a category to a forum
That's odd, tagging @Lukas W.

Are you 100% certain it's ID #1? If you're working from a fresh XenForo install, and not something migrated from another platform this likely isn't possible as the defaut node ID 1 is a category, and you can't convert from a category to a forum
You were right. 1 is the category. 2 is the board.
Hey team, I know your busy but any luck on the homepage? I opened a ticket and the response I got was pretty generic, set it in the url homepage (that doesn't make it work) and add it to navigation, which it does add; but nothing to do with the homepage. I'm having to deal with the htaccess file to make this work, but no luck. Any info would help because it's ready to go, but cannot be default; just goes to the forums



XenPorta provides a dead simple way to make his a homepage as you can see above.
Doing it with XPress, it doesn't work :D @Jake B.

I even added a navigation bar (html widget) above the posts; that part was fun :D (the three button things)
@Jake B. I set the categories to have a board to post in, but they still don't auto post (as well w/ Xpress setting default board)


Hey team, I know your busy but any luck on the homepage? I opened a ticket and the response I got was pretty generic, set it in the url homepage (that doesn't make it work) and add it to navigation, which it does add; but nothing to do with the homepage. I'm having to deal with the htaccess file to make this work, but no luck. Any info would help because it's ready to go, but cannot be default; just goes to the forums

<SNIP For Quote>

XenPorta provides a dead simple way to make his a homepage as you can see above.
Doing it with XPress, it doesn't work :D @Jake B.

I even added a navigation bar (html widget) above the posts; that part was fun :D (the three button things)

I still am trying to get mine fixed too. If you fix yours, could you please mention me?
Can't tell from the screenshots alone what's going on. Best to create a ticket on our homepage and we can figure this out together.

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View attachment 180226
I'd also ask you to create a ticket here, so we can look into the matter together. It might be an interfering add-on or related to your setup.
figured it out, but you should update this. updated my htaccess file (but again in previous page), you should make it like how xenporta does. burned about 12 hours of research and testing for this simple line.


2nd note, you must do this to the picture below and /forums in. If blank, it will loop

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Can't tell from the screenshots alone what's going on. Best to create a ticket on our homepage and we can figure this out together.
A ticket is created at TM Support system for my two questions.
Hey guys, as it stands hard to keep track of any bugs and what are just installing quandaries. If anyone wants to help post to our issue tracker it'll help me make sure they get solved. Ill go back through the thread and log whatever I can though, we'll plan on an update end of next week.
Also reported at https://github.com/Audentio/xpress-issues/issues
It would be good to see this with some alternitive WP themes. Is anyone using anything other than the default XPress theme?

not me, blends in right; less work and confusion. they say that you can use your own theme :D

From my experience, XPress unfortunately does not work well with other WP themes.

I created a support ticket with ThemeHouse and got the following response from @Mike Creuzer: "We never claimed that this would work with WP themes, only XenForo themes." This should be stated and be made clear in the overview.

The XPress theme is a substandard WordPress theme in my opinion.

I'm a very disappointed customer.
From my experience, XPress unfortunately does not work well with other WP themes.

I created a support ticket with ThemeHouse and got the following response from @Mike Creuzer: "We never claimed that this would work with WP themes, only XenForo themes." This should be stated and be made clear in the overview.

The XPress theme is a substandard WordPress theme in my opinion.

I'm a very disappointed customer.
But imagine it this way. That is a third party theme. That third-party developer would need to have built that theme to work with XenForo, but that wouldn't make sense as they wouldn't have a bridge. In theory that third-party developer could design a theme and then it would work for XenForo.

If you need a refund, happy to do that. But this product is very specifically a WordPress into XenForo product, NOT a XenForo into WordPress, theme-wise. No one will build this product, as it is simply impossible to do without the third party themes building their theme for XenForo.

With the way we've built it, you can instead have a seamless interface between two products.
But imagine it this way. That is a third party theme. That third-party developer would need to have built that theme to work with XenForo, but that wouldn't make sense as they wouldn't have a bridge. In theory that third-party developer could design a theme and then it would work for XenForo.

If you need a refund, happy to do that. But this product is very specifically a WordPress into XenForo product, NOT a XenForo into WordPress, theme-wise. No one will build this product, as it is simply impossible to do without the third party themes building their theme for XenForo.

With the way we've built it, you can instead have a seamless interface between two products.

@The Wanderer - Not here to through fuel on the fire, but the theme is based on whatever you xenforo theme is

And @Mike Creuzer Which you are correct on. I have WP acting a portal front end, and Xenforo as the primary. The documentation points very well that it's merges the current theme of xenforo, which i'm super amazed by.
But imagine it this way. That is a third party theme. That third-party developer would need to have built that theme to work with XenForo, but that wouldn't make sense as they wouldn't have a bridge. In theory that third-party developer could design a theme and then it would work for XenForo.

If you need a refund, happy to do that. But this product is very specifically a WordPress into XenForo product, NOT a XenForo into WordPress, theme-wise. No one will build this product, as it is simply impossible to do without the third party themes building their theme for XenForo.

With the way we've built it, you can instead have a seamless interface between two products.

The overview should be amended to state the addon will not work with WP themes to avoid further confusion to any potential buyers.

Can the WordPress use theme use Page Builder by SiteOrigin?: https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/siteorigin-panels/
Interesting product. Took a little work to get it going but lots of potential. Thank you for making.

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    Sorry for all the questions but I figured answering these publicly instead of a ticket my help you limit the number of repeat tickets.

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