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Xmas time! Snow animation header 2017-12-05

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Spinix- submitted a new resource:

Xmas time! Snow animation header - Xmas time! Snow animation header

Time for xmas! Change you're header to a nice one with snow animation.

Live demo:

Download the images and place them in the folder images/snow.
The simplest way to add them is with a advertisement (Sounds funny i know)

First you have to create a new (or edit a existing) advertisement. (/admin.php?advertising/)
I chose "Container breadcrumb (top): Above".
Add the following to the HTML...

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Thanks. Depending where you put the snow. I changed the link to
background-image: url('styles/default/xenforo/snow/s1.png'), url('styles/default/xenforo/snow/s2.png'), url('styles/default/xenforo/snow/s3.png');
I tried putting it in extra.less but couldn't get animated so your advertising method was a good idea.
Hmmm, after upgrading to 2.0.1 it knocks out my header background and just shows on the left ????
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