XF 1.4 xf_stats_daily doesn't exist


Active member
The past few days I've been getting these errors:

Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli prepare error: Table 'forums.xf_stats_daily' doesn't exist - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:77

But nothing has changed that would cause this, I didn't modify anything recently.

When I look at the database in phpMyAdmin, it shows the table is there but when I click on the table, an error pops up saying the table doesn't exist.

Any ideas as to what could be causing this and how to fix it?

If you haven't made any changes then you should contact your host.

If you are getting an error when trying to view the table, that could indicate database corruption.
Ok it's fixed now. All my host did was restart the mysql server because this is their explanation:

Since the database is an Innodb type, repairing is not supported. This issue is because sometimes the database fails to access the data files from the corresponding directory. This can be resolved by just restarting the mysql server.
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