XF 2.0 XF2 on High DPI monitors


Well-known member
Upgraded forum to XF 2.0.1 and on high DPI monitors the forum is only displayed in the middle 50% of the screen with dead space on both sides. Is there some customization that can be set to avoid this? XF 1.5 did not have this same problem. Seems weird, especially since XF2 was designed to support High DPI (e.g. avatars and smilies). Thanks.
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I think I figured out where this is customizable:

Appearance > Styles > Default Style - Style properties > Page setup > Maximum page width (defaults to 1200px)
My site is still running XF1.5 - I upgraded to 2.0.1 on a test site, which behaves identically to Xenforo's community. Here is Xenforo's community on a machine with 2560x1440 and 125% scaling (granted it would look better at 150% scaling):

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