xF1.x to xF2 upgrade: what AWS instance is best?


Active member
I've been a customer of Amazon Web Services for a while. They're great, but man are they confusing with too many options. My site, www.ScubaBoard.com is currently running on this:

Amazon Linux AMI 2015.09.0 x86_64 HVM GP2
vCPUs: 4
Dedicated EBS Bandwidth (Mbps): 750
Network Performance: High

Performance seems to be fine most days... but not always. Any suggestions? Any reason not to use Ubuntu instead of Amazon Linux?
It doesn't appear to address elastisearch. George? @eva2000
Hey Pete been a while - almost 6-9 yrs now :)

Centmin Mod users CentOS 7.x mainly. Centmin Mod LEMP stack has it's own community support forum (running Xenforo + Centmin Mod LEMP stack too) at https://community.centminmod.com/.

Elasticsearch is just something you install and configure. For Centmin Mod LEMP stack @Sunka (fellow Centmin Mod LEMP stack user) has an ongoing Elasticsearch install guide for Xenforo and CentOS use at https://community.centminmod.com/threads/how-to-install-elasticsearch-7-x-for-xenforo.19272/ :) Coincidentally, it was vBulletin and Sphinx search that I worked on almost 9yrs ago and now the discussion is Xenforo and Elasticsearch !

As to AWS, personally I find it too costly from bandwidth and server instance/VPS perspective. VPS wise, there's many alternatives. One of my cloud KVM VPS server benchmark comparison I did for 13x VPS servers from 5 different KVM VPS web hosting cloud providers, Upcloud, DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr and Hetzner https://community.centminmod.com/th...talocean-vs-linode-vs-vultr-vs-hetzner.17742/
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