XF 2.2 XF API to send user id and password for each new registration


Well-known member
I am not sure if this is the right place, but I could use a little help in knowing if what I would like to accomplish is even possible.

I need to have our XF installation to take new registrations and either send the userid and password to our game servers to create their account records (I have someone on that end that can help there) or have the XF system take that information and hold it until the game server requests it... which may be the easier way and then of course erase the data so it is not sent again.

I just wanted to check if this was even possible from the XF side before I get any add-on developers or game server developers trying to work on it.

Thank you!

@TickTackk has made an add-on for me for doing external account registration to game servers, though it does not grab the XF account/password.

He may be able to do something similar to what you want, though I do not know his availability.
@TickTackk has made an add-on for me for doing external account registration to game servers, though it does not grab the XF account/password.

He may be able to do something similar to what you want, though I do not know his availability.

Hey @Forsaken .. I appreciate you sharing that with me. If @TickTackk has the availability, that would be awesome. Especially if the base framework is already there.

Are you using the add-on to create XF -> game server accounts or vice-versa? Doing this is entirely new to me.....so I am open to ideas and suggestions along the way.

It's mostly about knowing whose in the servers, so that we can manage players more effectively and ensure that people who are just there to cause trouble can be thoroughly removed across everything in one swoop.

Really appreciate the feedback... Will see if TickT responds here before being intrusive and sending a PM.

Have a great weekend!
He won't really be able to use anything from our add-on, as it is purposely meant to be private, but he has experience working with what I needed so should be able to help you.

I do not know if he's interested or available though.
He won't really be able to use anything from our add-on, as it is purposely meant to be private, but he has experience working with what I needed so should be able to help you.

I do not know if he's interested or available though.

Totally understand. My thought was in the same place as yours, the idea isn't a new concept if he's already worked on one.

Yep, no expectations of his availability or interest - but I do appreciate your letting me know!
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