XF 2.3 ?

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I was just sad that I wrote the alerts system for SMF in 2013 and it took until 2022 to make it to a ”stable” release.
You'll end up having this long thread locked just like @Tracy Perry had hers locked.
Two things bucko... I got 3 danglies in a triangular shape (one on top and 2 hanging low) and have had them since my birth.
Of course, if you had even 1/2 the ability of a koala (which apparently has more snap than you), you could check my profile.
Pretty sure in at least 2 places it will indicate what sex I am to you.

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And it wasn't ME that got that thread locked... I suggest you look in a mirror..... the primary culprit will be clearly staring at you. I was almost tempted to report all your BS posts and then ask that they be removed (and the replies to you) so that the thread could be opend back up since it's a valid topic and it could continue, but honestly.. you are't worth the effort.
You seem to spout off about stuff that it's READILY apparent you have no knowledge of.. that's why so many give you a laughing reaction... but it's not because your funny... It trends towards you readily apparent lack of knowledge but spouting off like you are an "expurt".
I've come across one other that was "similar" to you.. he went by the username GTB and got banned at almost every site he participated in due to behavioral patterns similar to yours.... right down to using his site to "denigrate" others.

I do hope that at some time you reach a level of maturity and comprehension to be able to carry on cognizant and on-topic discussions here.

BTW, I don't have an "Instagram" account.. have found no use for it. So no, it wasn't me.. it was probably someone else yanking your chain since you are so easily gullible.
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@aussiefooty needs to be warned or banned. Enough is enough. Been a couple months now of this spam and hostile responses that don’t even make any sense.
Hate to say it..but I tend to agree... but odds are the "powers that be" are afraid of offending someone that brings basically NO benefits to their site (but does provide financial benefit) while allowing that same person to "run off" folks that have been WAY more active (and in a positive manner) than they ever thought of being. I don't know why.. but this user reminds me strongly of one known as GTB from a few years ago.

Never mind this comparison

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I'll leave it up to the reader to determine who is what. Never mind that the join dates to the site are approximately the same.
It's really a pity that certain parties can push away from valid sources of support for XenForo.

I'm about to put XF support site on an extended time-out... hopefully during that time a certain party (from down under that may eat vegemite sandwiches) can provide some actually beneficial input for users other than acting like a monkey flinging poop. But the above stats strongly indicate that is HIGLY unlikely.
There's plenty of other worthwhile pursuits I could engage in than wasting time here... but that also seems to be a problem in the "fora" zone itself.
I've got about 2TB of data for images that I could be compiling (and learning the ins/outs of PixInSight and APP) but keep putting off.. guess I can start working on that and continue tweaking my site.
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I’ll be honest, I’m more confused than annoyed by him. It’s like he’s reading completely different posts to the rest of us. Or maybe it’s some giant global conspiracy editing the posts that he’s seeing and faking the appearance so that what he sees and what we see are completely different.

But it makes a change from complaining about a lack of updates on the front of 2.3 so that’s also welcome by the staff, I assume…
I’ll be honest, I’m more confused than annoyed by him. It’s like he’s reading completely different posts to the rest of us. Or maybe it’s some giant global conspiracy editing the posts that he’s seeing and faking the appearance so that what he sees and what we see are completely different.

But it makes a change from complaining about a lack of updates on the front of 2.3 so that’s also welcome by the staff, I assume…
The thing with Aussie is that he seems to have all types of opinions that are in his favor. So first he asks the staff if there are any updates, then he complains there are no updates (like everyone else does) and suddenly he tells the others off that are asking for updates. Actually, I’ve to correct myself here. It’s not a he, but it’s a she. Aussie is a woman (found her Twitter and Fb).

Last night I did a little research on these digital behavior patterns here on XF but also on her own forum. Based on all that behavior there’s clearly something… odd. I’m not going to be the psychologist, but I assume that there should be some professional help.

On her forum there’s a member that seems to be forced using “Boss” to her. During the “research”’ she banned several IP’s of mine, as expected. Therefor I used a VPN. She banned now 4 IP’s on her forum of mine which were guest accounts (equals to me a little paranoid I guess as this was during the discussion yesterday). Now, I just reconnect to the VPN and I’m in again, but after 4 minutes or so, she banned the next IP.. and so on.

However, the “wall of shame” in the “idiot file” seems to me also a concerning issue for XenForo as she is using it to keep the conversations going and trash talk about XF users (clients!) that disagree with her. So, you, as XenForo user / client, should be careful with speaking up against her or you might end up being shamed on her forum. This includes your username and forum link. Not sure if this is doxxing, but that is somehow… concerning. I think the XenForo staff should do something on that as their clients are being “shamed”.

So, you, as XenForo user / client, should be careful with speaking up against her or you might end up being shamed on her forum.
Honestly.. who cares.... a small forum that the domain has been registered for over a decade and has a "whole" 4 registered users and who readily apparently hasn't done much to "customize" the style that they use.
I mean... seriously.. "tweaking 101" comes into play here. You have a default style... and you can't go to the effort of even modifying the default footer?

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Give me a break if I don't bow to our Australian friend's all-encompassing web and XenForo knowledge.

But I digress.

There are a LOT more important things that we should be concerned with than the pre-school antics that a "vegemite sandich" (nod to Men At Work here to those "down under") license holder comments on here. The main one being the SLOW release cycle between x.Y.z releases, adn the fact that there are many failing functions that NEED to be addressed in the core script.. one of the most glaring being the editor. Never mind about "tweaks" that most other scripts have been adding for the last 2 years while XF has remained in basic hibernation.
The pity about them (and I don't care and take no position on whether they have an innie our an outie) linking to the forum.. it actually doesn't give any juice to their "target victim" unless they have set up to bypass no-follow (which honestly they probably don't know how to do)... it is simply an act of self-pleasure.
The ultimate negative impact is that at least one particular GTB type user interactions will tend/trend to force users that provide good resources here away....

BTW @aussiefooty... just so there's no mistaking my sex


Haven't met a female yet who could grow a similar beard. Sidenote.. notice the "shine" in the Santa eyes!

And for your edification @aussiefooty, nope, not been contacted via convo about your antics, not been put on any infraction and once more, odds are the reason the thread was locked was the stupidity started by YOU within it. And until a few minutes ago had no desire to "visit" your site. The more I think about it, the more I decided to go ahead and report your posts and requesting that thread to be re-opened after your malarkey (and that relating to you) is removed. Whether the XF staff will act upon that request or not remains "open". Whether they re-open it or not is up to them.. and whether they react to your actions, once more, is up to them. You did a grave injustice in that thread... the same as you are doing in this thread.... pushing it WAY off-topic (but then again, it IS an off-topic area).
All I know is that your continued abuse towards others will squelch at least my (and maybe others) participation here.... and generally, those that it would squelch bring a LOT more to the table than your paltry offerings. I would add you to the "FO" list... but for some reason, I have a core weakness that pushes me to rebut rank ignorance.
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I must say, I envy the beard. After recent military discharge, I am hoping to get on that level someday as well 😂
After Chistmas last year the better half wanted me to chop it off.. so I did... I'm slowing letting it grow back.. told her I didn't tell her how to "style" her hair.. so she could leave my future beard alone. 👴
Shocked how much trash is in this thread... and still no constructive talk about what is happening with XenForo or what happened with "upcoming weeks" release.
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