XF 2.3 ?

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I'd slightly disagree.

They like to land on a page with interesting stuff and if it is interesting what's wrong with reviving an old thread.

This is why my portal has not only new posts but popular posts (based on number of replies likes etc.)

New members do revive old threads and breathe a new leadoff life into them.

We are now getting totally off topic (2.3) as it probably won't have a portal ;)
I think we talk about different things here. "Old threads" is not equal to "popular posts/thread".
Also I was not referring to threads or posts, I think a portal is some sort of a news/article landing page, no? Not threads or posts. Yes, reviving popular old threads is good but I was talking about a portal page.

In other words, to me this is a portal page: https://xenforo.com/community/forums/have-you-seen/

Imagine people landing on this page as your main page. What do they see here? 1 article from 2022, 3 articles from 2021, 9 articles from 2020. This is the 1st page of the portal page. Imagine you keep landing on this page, there is no new content for the reader, it just makes a bad impression. People want to leech and want to read new things. Now, having new posts/threads as a portal, yes, that works, as I said. But for that we dont need a portal or to be more precise, we need a better layout/design (like reddit).

Please allow me to completely disagree here.

My landing page has 20 to somedays 50 times more visitors than the forum. From my personal point of view my portal really looks rather kind and of course changes with each media and posting - means here about at the moment one posting per day.

I just see a html page, not a portal. But even then, I mean, obviously you will have more visitors than your forum, because your forum sits on the subdirectory /forum instead of being the landing page. You could probably post kitties on your main directory and have more visitors than your forum since it is your main domain which always gets favored.
Thank you sbj for your reply!
I will think about it, it helps me.
My place seams really growing slow since more than 20 years. But it's my wanted design and there is a lot of information there ;)

I don't see how that is a portal page as it's the XenForo HYS forum.
The layout is a portal. I think we need a definition for the word "portal". Including me, we all have a different definition for that. And that HYS forum is a portal page what I have in mind when I talk about portals. In this case that page just isn't the main landing domain of XF.

Thank you sbj for your reply!
Not sure if you mean it sarcastically. I was not throwing shades at your forum, I think your topic is very interesting, unique and different. I just think the html layout is not a portal layout to me. Like when people ask for a portal, I don't think they have your layout in mind. That's it.
The layout is a portal.
I think the HYS forum is just a forum of threads/articles in a grid with each having an image.

I think of a portal as a sort of doorway to a site that entices the user to enter the site and engage. No set layout but could be a grid or slider could be a list or both or other things such as a big advanced search.
I think of a portal as a sort of doorway to a site that entices the user to enter the site and engage. No set layout but could be a grid or slider could be a list or both or other things such as a big advanced search.
I see, but I think by that definition the default XF forum list is also a portal then. So, why are people asking for a portal? Or we can always create a page node with widgets or articles like the HYS forum. Just put it under the main domain and put forum under /forum subdirectory.

What I understand under a portal is the old vbadvanced like structure:
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In vB times when we referred to a portal, we brought that up as an example. But guess my definition is outdated, I don't know.
What I understand under a portal is the old vbadvanced like structure:
To view this content we will need your consent to set third party cookies.
For more detailed information, see our cookies page.
In vB times
I think that answers the thread, how did you manage to get a sneak preview of xf 2.3?
  • Haha
Reactions: KSA
I reckon the HYS will start to drop the same time as iOS 16.4 will confirm a working notifications push message on iPhone / mac
Seriously, XenForo 2.3 was supposed to be out in 2022. We are now in 2023 and there is not even a HYS thread. There'll be Betas, RCs and a final version. I doubt if we gonna see it released in Q1.

Anyone else log in each morning thinking 'This is the day; I will log in and see a new HYS post.'? I know it will happen one of these mornings.
14th of Februay, on Valentine's day :p
Should be released in "upcoming weeks" guys, just wait :D

Hopefully, won't turn in upcoming years.

Need 1 more licence, but will wait for now, see what XF will bring to the table.
Anyone else log in each morning thinking 'This is the day; I will log in and see a new HYS post.'? I know it will happen one of these mornings.
Nope because I have a watch with an email notification on that forum. If a new thread goes up, I will be coming because of that, not coming to check to see if it is there. 😋
Need 1 more licence, but will wait for now, see what XF will bring to the table.
Hey @Faust
We're seriously obsessed with XenForo over here and believe that whatever changes are made (even though I personally think the product is 💯perfect as is) it will only make it even more amazing.

So your statement here doesn't really fit the bill!😄
Hey @Faust
We're seriously obsessed with XenForo over here and believe that whatever changes are made (even though I personally think the product is 💯perfect as is) it will only make it even more amazing.

So your statement here doesn't really fit the bill!😄
It does fit mate. It is perfect now, but time isn't staying in place. The world around us is changing, same as forums should do.

I've heard on the grapevine that the best thing about the coming 2.3. is you'll be better able to ban the terms '2.4" or '3'
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