xenTaku [Deleted]

I just bought it, but I haven't gotten the download link...

Can you please send me a conversation with your Paypal Transaction ID? I'll send the files immediately.

How are you making the background image/banner change per click? Is that your own customization or an add-on?

Beautiful site btw... one of the very best I've seen.

It's Jake Bunce's code, I don't have the link bookmarked but I found it easily after a search.

Thanks for the kind words, the theme itself needs a lot more work.
None of the demo links are working for me. Is a problem somewhere on your side or is it just me?
I actually already bought this before I posted. Should've checked before hand. Here's to hoping that it actually lives up to expectations
Anyway, keep us updated about your site. I am really looking forward to see some good looking XenTaku sites and I hope yours will be one of those :) Post your site URL here, when it is ready to rock.
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