XenSocialize Pro [Paid] [Deleted]

Mr. Goodie2Shoes updated GoodForNothing XenSocialize with a new update entry:

Integrated with Social Network Authentication. Fixed Bug.

Beta 7 allows users to post status updates on their Twitter Profile by creating/replying a thread, or posting status updates of their profile.

This version is fully integrated with Guiltar's Social Network Authentication: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/social-network-authentication-twitter-google-vk-com.645/ , so when a user links his/her account or creates a new account via Twitter, all the required values will be automatically fetched. So users don't have to link it twice...

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Mr. Goodie2Shoes updated GoodForNothing XenSocialize with a new update entry:

Bugs fixed, Added Mass-disable Option

You can mass-disable forum (preventing XenSocialize from posting on your site's social profile(s), note: Users can still allow XenSocialize to post on their social profile(s)); suggested by yavuz.

I've also fixed a couple of issues that I found and yavuz reported.

To upgrade, just upload everything from the 'upload' folder and import the XML file from AdminCP.

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Mr. Goodie2Shoes updated GoodForNothing XenSocialize with a new update entry:

Fixed four bugs. Moved to Release Candidate (as most of the unstability has been fixed).

Bugs include:
  • 'Mass Disable Forums' was not working properly.
  • Was not sending status update on User's Twitter profile when creating a thread.
  • Was posting two updates on User's Facebook profile when a user creates a thread.
  • XenSocialize was adding the Post-face text of Facebook in Twitter status.
To fix them, upload everything from the 'upload' folder and import the XML file from AdminCP.

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Just a suggestion, but maybe you should do private beta's? It's been a couple of weeks now with allot of updates to this mod, and quite frankly I don't update when I see that. Then you release it "freely" when you have a stable build.
Just a suggestion, but maybe you should do private beta's? It's been a couple of weeks now with allot of updates to this mod, and quite frankly I don't update when I see that. Then you release it "freely" when you have a stable build.
Will do that ... :)
I wanted to finish the Beta stage in 4 releases... but there were so many bugs that I had to fix them first (and added more features on request, fix/optimize them)... I apologize for any inconvenience.
No worries, was just a suggestion. If you just post here about private beta's, then the experimental can participate, while us conservatives can wait until we see a stable release.
Mr. Goodie2Shoes...

Everything is working fine except for the forums that I turn off XenSocialize in by unchecking both boxes in the node list under the XenSocialize TAB. When I do, I get the error when trying to create a new thread in that forum. I've attached the error to the post.

If I re-check the box for posting to the user's profile and leave the XenSocialize on/off box unchecked, the error will go away BUT the thread creation will post their Facebook wall. If I leave BOTH boxes checked ON, but ban the use in that forum by choosing the forum on the main setup page, the error stays gone but the thread creation still posts to their facebook wall.

Please help.

If I leave BOTH boxes checked ON, but ban the use in that forum by choosing the forum on the main setup page, the error stays gone but the thread creation still posts to their facebook wall.
The Undefined index has been fixed. But I didn't get this part... can you please explain?
I was talking about your "MASS DISABLE FORUMS" section. Sorry lol..

I updated to your latest version and it fixed everything. No errors and my disabled forums are no longer posting on Facebook!!

Thank you sir, I have a lot of Facebook addicts on the forums that will just love this feature.
Mr. Goodie2Shoes updated GoodForNothing XenSocialize with a new update entry:

Fixed couple of bugs, added new option, changed status to 'stable'

Bugs related to showing users the 'Post on your profile' options even if they haven't associated their social profile(s).

Added a new option to prevent user to post updates from the disabled forums.

There's no other known issues and the add-on is quite stable (does not interfere with others, no server errors, etc.)

To upgrade,
Just upload everything from the 'upload' folder to your forum's root and import the XML file in AdminCP.

Read the rest of this update entry...
I've a problem retreiving the access token (both Facebook and Twitter).
I migrate from 1.3 to RC2 but when I click on "Click this link to generate a new Access Token." I get:

Unexpected error occured.

I upgrade to the stable version but didn't solved.
Version 1.3 worked like a charm.
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I've got the same error for twitter.
Zend_Oauth_Exception: Could not retrieve a valid Token response from Token URL
*snip out sensitive stuff*
<error>Desktop applications only support the oauth_callback value 'oob'</error>
I've a problem retreiving the access token (both Facebook and Twitter).
I migrate from 1.3 to RC2 but when I click on "Click this link to generate a new Access Token." I get:

Unexpected error occured.

I upgrade to the stable version but didn't solved.
Version 1.3 worked like a charm.
For Facebook I solved, the App ID was wrong... but I migrate it from previous version. I don't understand how can be wrong.

For Twitter the problem is still there. :(
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I've got the same error for twitter.
Zend_Oauth_Exception: Could not retrieve a valid Token response from Token URL
*snip out sensitive stuff*
<error>Desktop applications only support the oauth_callback value 'oob'</error>

You have to set the callback url in your apps on Twitter Dev:

A little problem with notices:

I linked my FB account with my Forum account and a notice appeared:
"It seems like you haven't fully utilized our social networking features. Click here to re-link your Facebook account."
So I clicked on Click here link and got this text:
"Your Facebook account has been successfully re-linked. Now you can post status updates from this site!"
Ok... but in the same page there's the same notice as before!

problema notifiche XenSocialize.webp
I've got the same error for twitter.
Zend_Oauth_Exception: Could not retrieve a valid Token response from Token URL
*snip out sensitive stuff*
<error>Desktop applications only support the oauth_callback value 'oob'</error>
You need to set a callback url as posted by Kintaro...
Make sure...
  • You have changed the access mode of your Twitter application to 'read & write'.
  • To enter your Site's URL in the Callback Url field of your Twitter App.
You have to set the callback url in your apps on Twitter Dev:

A little problem with notices:

I linked my FB account with my Forum account and a notice appeared:
"It seems like you haven't fully utilized our social networking features. Click here to re-link your Facebook account."
So I clicked on Click here link and got this text:
"Your Facebook account has been successfully re-linked. Now you can post status updates from this site!"
Ok... but in the same page there's the same notice as before!

View attachment 38594
It's a limitation of xenforo (at least I couldn't do anything about it). The notice will be gone once you go to another page.
Would it be possible to add Preface and Post-FaceText to cattegories, and have the children inherit those settings? This would make things a ton easier to manage with large amounts of forums / sub forums.

Making the "relink" notices dismissable might also avoid users to get annoyed.
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