XenPorta StatusUpdates Block - Unofficial Update [Deleted]

Enguerran A

Well-known member
HitArrowLegend submitted a new resource:

XenPorta StatusUpdates Block - Unofficial Update - Unofficial Update of the StatusUpdates block for XenPorta 1.6

Unofficial Update of the StatusUpdates block from Jaxel for his addon XenPorta 1.6 awaiting an official one (which would be exactly the same tho) for those who wants to use the last update regarding profile posts.

How to install

ACP -> Xenporta -> Block -> Install Block -> StatusUpdates.xml -> done

Note : I wanted to change the id of the block in order to let you install the one from Jaxel but I tried and it wasn't working and, due to the fact that there is XenPorta 2.0...

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