Style XenPorta - 2 Column Recent News NEEEDED - ££ Paid

Thom Tyler

Well-known member
As title suggests,

I'm after something like the attached mock-up.

Thumbnail shown full length of Recent News Box
2-Column Recent News.

2-column.webpCash waiting for the person who can style it similar to this!
I guess you should hire a designer to do it for you. Looks like it need some fine tuning stuff.
This is possible right out of the box. Did you read the xenporta 2 FAQ? AQll you do is enable masonry in the settings and add a few lines of css - job done.
i guess he is talking about the thumbnail.... XP2 currently doesn't have such thumbnail out of the box... I hope Jaxel will come up with some kind of simple thumbnail management in the future... this has been suggested in beta forum.
i guess he is talking about the thumbnail.... XP2 currently doesn't have such thumbnail out of the box... I hope Jaxel will come up with some kind of simple thumbnail management in the future... this has been suggested in beta forum.
There technically is a way to do this. There is an option in the admin CP to show the full sized image, instead of the thumbnail. Then just use css/template edits to move the image to the top. Done.
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