Xenplaza - Post Limit For Link [Deleted]


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X_Plaza submitted a new resource:

Xenplaza - Post Limit For Link (version 1.0.0) - On your site, members can't post links which not reach the enough post count

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On your site, members can't post links which not reach the enough post count.

- Limit number of URL in post
- Number of post required to post URL

- Upload all contents of upload folder to your forum root
- Import addon-XPlimitLink.xml in your forum...

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Love it.... There is another add-on which does this, but yours does so a lot easier with less resources required.

Nicely done. :)


Does this stop links in profile posts and status updates too? Or just for on the forums. Thanks :)
I don't know if they (http://adminpeak.com/) are using your plugin, but if they are, I found a flaw. When I made the post full of links, I had errors. I posted my post without links and I had no issue! The flaw is that when I went to edit the post, I was able to add all the links in without any issue. While it was reloading. I refreshed the page and everything worked!
I don't know if they (http://adminpeak.com/) are using your plugin, but if they are, I found a flaw. When I made the post full of links, I had errors. I posted my post without links and I had no issue! The flaw is that when I went to edit the post, I was able to add all the links in without any issue.

Thanks for your feedback. We will fix that asap
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