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[Xenique Premium] Cool Yule and Cool Front Twin Pack


Well-known member
On the first day of Christmas.. my True love gave to me.... a partridge in a pear treeeeeee......

Lighter Lovely Holiday Theme in beautiful soft blues. My take on the 12 Days of Christmas song - 1st Day, Partridge in a Pear Tree line.

This modern funky theme creates a nice holiday mood without adding too much load to your site, virtually no template changes (other than copyright) so super easy to update and maintain... Cool Yule does NOT include our framework, it is a stand alone theme.

Cool Yule! have yourselves a cool and funky Holiday time this year!


Check out Cool Yule Live...

To add extra value to your purchase.. there is also a regular use version of the theme for everyday use throughout the year...

Cool Front, in ever popular soft blues, classy and simple.


Check out Cool Front Live...
I'm not Jewish but if you replaced the pear tree with a Hannukah bush then BAM, you got a Hannukah theme.
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