Xenforo User Map [Deleted]

I use on this Domain the licence I used bevor on hobby-gartenteich.de - look at this in your list or what ever, I can give you also the mail adress your updates come in. ;)
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Strato dedicated root server, AMD Opteron 4 cores, 8MB Ram, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, php 5.3.x, MySQL 5.X

Strato dedicated root server, Intel Xeon 4 cores, 32MB Ram, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, php 5.3.x und 5.6.x sowie 7.0.x, MySQL 5.x
Xenforo 1.5.6
It was the same with php 5.3.x as now with php 5.6.x. All other addons runs like bevore server change.

If you know it - is any special php extension or server side software needed? In absolut details I cant say witch php extensions on the old server runs bevore, but I can say 8wayrun s XenAtendos Google Map is working and my google Map BBcode also.
Hello folks: about the https trouble: I can't include 3rd party libraries to the add on package without studying licence and law stuff. By now. Hold on and keep calm.
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