Xenforo total costs average


New member

for a month i've been trying to put a solution for a client forum and trying to budget it checking different forum brands.

Yours it's quite popular, but it's becoming hard to budget it since it has lots of options and mostly i don't see a community of free plugins or at a very low cost.

So I would like to ask you for a very plain answer what can become the average total cost of a nobranded forum
with a slider, inside chat room plugin and advertising plugin to manage google adds and with a theme customization

Also and most importantly i would like you to point me to what it seems, in your opinion, the best forums in the gaming industry done with xenforo

Thank you in advance
Thanks for the reply Brogan,
yes i see many yes, but my big eye gets drawn to the best…

Ok so if i did all with free plugin and wanted a unbranded xenforo witha custom theme what would be the final price prediction, according to your on experience of course

for a month i've been trying to put a solution for a client forum and trying to budget it checking different forum brands.

Yours it's quite popular, but it's becoming hard to budget it since it has lots of options and mostly i don't see a community of free plugins or at a very low cost.

So I would like to ask you for a very plain answer what can become the average total cost of a nobranded forum
with a slider, inside chat room plugin and advertising plugin to manage google adds and with a theme customization

Also and most importantly i would like you to point me to what it seems, in your opinion, the best forums in the gaming industry done with xenforo

Thank you in advance
For custom theme/ style I would contact @Russ or @Steve F at Pixel Exit they do wonderful custom themes/styles and their prices are very fair.
Another +1 for @Russ and @Steve F At Pixel Exit. Best styles, support, and prices around and they treat their customers with class.

Pixel Exit are great, I have 3 styles from them, highly recommend them, cheap too, but custom IDK, you should talk with @Russ

I second that. I have used Pixel Exit twice now and they have been excellent both times. The price was great as well. Highly recommend them to people.

For custom theme/ style I would contact @Russ or @Steve F at Pixel Exit they do wonderful custom themes/styles and their prices are very fair.

Thanks everyone, we really appreciate the support.

@EditorialPro if you want to get a general idea for custom styling work just shoot me a message with as many details as you can when it comes to the type of style you're after. Best of luck on the site!
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