Xenforo sql search in titles


Well-known member
I'm just wondering, is there a reason why the Xenforo Search system use the following SQL command (full-text search) when performing a 'Search titles only':
WHERE MATCH(`blabla`, `blabla`, `blabla`) AGAINST ('mysearchword' IN BOOLEAN MODE)

Instead of:
WHERE `title` LIKE 'mysearchword'
Or even :
WHERE `title` LIKE 'mysearchword%'

I'm asking this question because I've made a Chinese Words Index inside a forum. Most of the time a word is made of one or two characters. This word is inside the title of the post. So changing the sql command would be a solution to avoid the 'MySQL full text minimum word length' problem.

If you see no performance issue, I'm going to modify the search behaviour for one of my nodes.
Ok, I did it and it's working. Here's my code if it can help someone

class Sedo_Mytest_Search_ChangeMinSearch extends XenForo_Search_SourceHandler_MySqlFt
    public function executeSearch($searchQuery, $titleOnly, array $processedConstraints, array $orderParts,
        $groupByDiscussionType, $maxResults, XenForo_Search_DataHandler_Abstract $typeHandler = null
        $options = XenForo_Application::get('options');
            //This part might be improved to implement the solution in multi forum search
            $nodeid = $processedConstraints['node']['metadata'][1][0];
            if(in_array($nodeid, $options->Afioc_Mytest_Forums) AND $titleOnly === TRUE AND preg_match('#\p{Han}+#u', $searchQuery))
                $this->_minWordLength = '1';
                $queryParts = $this->tokenizeQuery($searchQuery);
                foreach($queryParts as $key => $part)
                    if($key == 0)
                        $Where_Value = "$part[1]%";
                        $Or_Values[] = "$part[1]%";
                $variables['where'] = $Where_Value;
                $OR = '';
                if(isset($Or_Values) AND !empty($Or_Values))
                    foreach ($Or_Values as $key => $value)
                        $OR .= "OR search_index.title LIKE ?\r\n";
                    $variables = array_merge($variables, $Or_Values);
                if ($maxResults < 1)
                    $maxResults = 100;
                $maxResults = intval($maxResults);
                $db = $this->_getDb();
                return $db->fetchAll("
                    SELECT search_index.content_type, search_index.content_id
                    FROM xf_search_index AS search_index
                    WHERE search_index.title LIKE ?
                    AND search_index.metadata
                    REGEXP '_md_node_$nodeid'
                    ORDER BY search_index.item_date
                    LIMIT $maxResults
                ", $variables, Zend_Db::FETCH_NUM);
        $parent = parent::executeSearch($searchQuery, $titleOnly, $processedConstraints, $orderParts,$groupByDiscussionType, $maxResults, $typeHandler);
        return $parent;
The following code works in both title and message content:
class Sedo_Mytest_Search_ChangeMinSearch extends XenForo_Search_SourceHandler_MySqlFt

    public function executeSearch($searchQuery, $titleOnly, array $processedConstraints, array $orderParts,
        $groupByDiscussionType, $maxResults, XenForo_Search_DataHandler_Abstract $typeHandler = null
        $options = XenForo_Application::get('options');

            $nodeid = $processedConstraints['node']['metadata'][1][0];

            if(in_array($nodeid, $options->Afioc_Mytest_Forums) AND preg_match('#\p{Han}+#u', $searchQuery))

                $this->_minWordLength = '1';
                $queryParts = $this->tokenizeQuery($searchQuery);

                foreach($queryParts as $key => $part)
                    if($key == 0)
                        $Where_Value = "%$part[1]%"; 
                        $Or_Values[] = "%$part[1]%";

                $variables['where'] = $Where_Value;
                $OR = '';
                if(isset($Or_Values) AND !empty($Or_Values))
                    foreach ($Or_Values as $key => $value)
                        $OR .= "OR search_index.title LIKE ?\r\n";

                        if($titleOnly === FALSE)
                            $OR .= "OR search_index.message LIKE ?\r\n";                        
                    $variables = array_merge($variables, $Or_Values);

                    if($titleOnly === FALSE)
                        $variables = array_merge($variables, $Or_Values);
                elseif($titleOnly === FALSE)
                    $OR .= "OR search_index.message LIKE ?\r\n";
                    $variables['or'] =  $Where_Value;
                if ($maxResults < 1)
                    $maxResults = 100;
                $maxResults = intval($maxResults);

                $db = $this->_getDb();

                return $db->fetchAll("
                    SELECT search_index.content_type, search_index.content_id
                    FROM xf_search_index AS search_index
                    WHERE search_index.title LIKE ?
                    AND search_index.metadata
                    REGEXP '_md_node_$nodeid'
                    ORDER BY search_index.item_date
                    LIMIT $maxResults
                ", $variables, Zend_Db::FETCH_NUM);

        $parent = parent::executeSearch($searchQuery, $titleOnly, $processedConstraints, $orderParts,$groupByDiscussionType, $maxResults, $typeHandler);

        return $parent;
I guess my answer about performance is here. ^^ I'm wondering now how chinese forums do to avoid the sql min word length problem with sql full search...
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