XenForo Like System


Active member
I have noticed that there is no 'Like' link next to each post on my board now... has this feature been removed or do I need to turn it back on again? :/
I am an admin of the board so I have full permissions.
Although you've already resolved the problem, it's worth pointing out that permissions don't work like that.

An administrator is subject to the same permission rules as other members, so if you are a member of any group which has Never set, then you will not have that particular permission.

Although you've already resolved the problem, it's worth pointing out that permissions don't work like that.

An administrator is subject to the same permission rules as other members, so if you are a member of any group which has Never set, then you will not have that particular permission.

Well that is something I never even considered! Thanks for educating me further Brogan, it is appreciated :D!
An administrator is subject to the same permission rules as other members, so if you are a member of any group which has Never set, then you will not have that particular permission.
Well that is something I never even considered! Thanks for educating me further Brogan, it is appreciated :D!
Anyone know a way to avoid this issue of people not knowing about this issue ?
Do people make support tickets about this alot ?

Should it say in the installation instructions for your to set admin preferences and specifically state the consequences of not doing so ?
Anyone know a way to avoid this issue of people not knowing about this issue ?
Do people make support tickets about this alot ?

Should it say in the installation instructions for your to set admin preferences and specifically state the consequences of not doing so ?
To be honest, I would of thought that being in the Administrator user group would over-ride all settings in other user groups but clearly not. Not sure if it's just me being use to old ways or something or if I'm just being a bit dippy (most likely cause) but at lease now I know for the future! Also, many people (admittedly, me included) probably find it easier to come on here and look for the answer before reading up on it or even posting a support ticket.
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