Xenforo htaccess file is causing problems with other directories

Then you need to explain a little more how it's "generated dynamically" as it's probably going to require and add-on or some custom code in whatever you are using to "generate it" dynamically.
Let me get this straight - the /stats/towny/player path is completely dynamically generated. There is no sub-directory of /stats (or children under that) in your root directory?
There is an add-on that changes up the 404 error page (https://xenforo.com/community/resources/goodfornothing-four-oh-four.767/) or you will need to address it via your coding in your method of calling it.
It does the purpose of changing the xenforo 404 page but I need to remove the error page from the directory http://megaminecraft.net/stats/towny/player/ forever.
Since you didn't answer the first question in the post you quoted, I'm going to assume that you don't know for sure?
If there IS a subdirectory that is being used to store the files to pull the data, simply putting your modified .htaccess in there should work.
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