xenFoogle Fixes/Additions [Deleted]


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abbychase submitted a new resource:

xenFoogle Fixes/Additions - Title says it all

Hello there, these are some small css changes to the XenFoogle style by Qwk86gn

The download button simply links to the original style resource.




Add the following to your extra.css template
.resourceListItem .main .cost {
font-size: 10px !important;
float: right;
color: rgb(255,...

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Not sure why your version is showing no log out tab as my style does have it, but that is irrevelant at the moment.
This is truly ridiculous. You could've at least requested that he added those fixes to his resource for an update.
I have. I was just trying to help out :/ :(
Cool. You'll see alot of style developers and addon creators complain about users asking people to add stuff but you know what? They sometimes end up adding people's request anyway.
Cool. You'll see alot of style developers and addon creators complain about users asking people to add stuff but you know what? They sometimes end up adding people's request anyway.
I'v spoke with the author. He will include it in the new update. So I have removed this.
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