XenBg Pro Style [Deleted]


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Milen submitted a new resource:

XenBg Pro Style - Never give up, believe in yourself as much as possible and you will achieve the desired results.

XenBg Pro Style is what reminds us in an elegant way that anything is possible.

"Never give up, believe in yourself as much as possible and you will achieve the desired results". This is the motto of this style, which is both my pride and what pleases me most about it. With a completely clean design, only with CSS based on the XenForo base style, Xenbg Pro Style gives you good loading speed in the browser, without losing its beauty.

"And are there any additional...

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Some tips after a quick look to your style:

Add some space here

Add some space between here

This line should be auto adjusting the forum lenght

The background behind the black - I'm guessing this is a leftover default blue. Same with the navigation drop down, this all looks default.


Would be nice to see this customized. Since now this comes off as half done.

Good start though. Keep it up.
The background behind the black - I'm guessing this is a leftover default blue. Same with the navigation drop down, this all looks default.
Yes, that's exactly what I fixed right now because it's annoying me too, a little triangle there :D
I will also change the default colors to match the new ones.

@CedricV thank you for the feedback and advice. :giggle: 🤓
So maybe you could wait until it's ready before selling it? 🤷🏻‍♂️
So maybe you could wait until it's ready before selling it? 🤷🏻‍♂️
Maybe. But there was a positive effect of its pre-release for sale. It has often happened to me that someone notices something that I don't pay much attention to, and when they share it with me, it helps the development. Yes, it may not look professional, but it helps. And also "very nice, not very nice," as some old people say. And so people will be able to follow the development of this style, where it started from and where it has reached.

And..... I'm here, awake almost 24/7, so whatever problem there is, we'll solve it. :) :giggle:
Milen updated XenBg Pro Style with a new update entry:

Big changes

New features in the latest update:

🔹 Grid Node layout – gives the forum a modern and stylish look, organizing categories in a more convenient and visually pleasing way.

🔹 Footer – adds a useful area at the bottom of the forum, where additional information, links and resources for users can be included.

🔹 Improved Meta Statistics – the old functionality with the two small bubbles has been replaced with a well-organized and detailed meta statistics, which gives a unique...

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Installing the style requires certain prior knowledge
or is it easy for everyone to create this
It is easy to install/import. It does not require any additional knowledge beyond the normal ones. In any case, if you encounter a problem or have difficulty, I am online almost 24/7 and it is no problem to help you.
Milen updated XenBg Pro Style with a new update entry:

Good changes

  1. Added ability to hide and show large logo.
    1. You can change the setting by going to Appearance > Styles > XenBg Pro - Style properties > XenBg Pro Global Settings
  2. The width of the design can now be changed according to your needs. For this purpose, you can go into the design settings:
  3. Appearance > Styles > XenBg Pro - Style properties > Page setup
  4. And there you can set the value of Maximum page...

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The real reason: One person bought it and let it stay that way, let it be unique. There will be updates when necessary only for its owner. Thank you to everyone who helped with constructive criticism and helped improve this style. 🫶 :giggle: 🤓 🫶
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