XenAPI - XenForo PHP REST API 1.4.2

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Thank you for this nice api.

Someone tried this api with custom fields addon?


Thank you & best regards + merry christmas.
I've pushed the new code to the 1.4 dev branch, see this commit (3453df3c6d0b1647d02adfb05950d07fbb271d6e).

getThread, getThreads, getResource and getResources now return an extra field/key called "custom_fields" which contains the array of custom fields.
custom_fields will be null if the there are no custom fields or the addon is not installed.

I'll merge this into 1.4.1 when I pack things together for the next release.

Thanks, Merry Christmas to you as well! ;)
Do note that the code currently contains more actions than the documentation, I'll try my best to document the missing actions as soon as possible.

Reviews of the addon are always appreciated.

Happy Holidays everyone!
Hello, I start the creation of a new Drupal 8 addon for integrate Xenforo inside Drupal 8.
This addon will receive a free and paid version.

Thanks to Contex for his work on XenApi :)
Great work!

Do you have anything in there (undocumented) that retrieves a users Upgrades?


It will return a list of available user upgrades if you don't specify the user parameter.

See feature request #26 for related commits.
Hello, after first try, I have a suggestion, can you follow the PSR-4 standard please ?
Example of usage : https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-4-autoloader.md
The rewrite (XenAPI 2.0) follows this standard. The codebase of the current XenAPI is over 2 years old and I've developed a better habit along the years.

You are more than welcome to restyle the current codebase and submit a PM. I'm not bothering with it since the rewrite will have a proper structure and style.
for the non-nerds amongst us........what exactly does this addon? Does it replace something or add something?...do i need it? What value adds this?
Hey, this is a great add-on. I'm just wondering about one thing. Is it possible to do something like retrieve the five most recent threads out of a certain forum?

Thanks in advance :D
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