xen:number size limited to mb?



i'm not sure if this has been asked before but i couldn't find anything.

when adding in template: {xen:number $var, size} I seem to get stuck in "MB" and nothing higher. I was wondering if it was possible to make it go up to GB, TB, PB, etc. Or is there another function I could use in template --- I don't want to pre-render it cause I'd have to go through entire arrays then.
Just found it:

    public static function numberFormat($number, $precision = 0, array $language = null)
        if (!$language)
            $language = self::$_language;

        if (!$language)
            $decimalSep = '.';
            $thousandsSep = ',';
            $decimalSep = $language['decimal_point'];
            $thousandsSep = $language['thousands_separator'];

        if ($precision === 'size')
            // TODO: this may need to be language dependent
            if ($number >= 1048576) // 1 MB
                $number = number_format($number / 1048576, 1, $decimalSep, $thousandsSep);
                $unit = ' MB';
            else if ($number >= 1024) // 1KB
                $number = number_format($number / 1024, 1, $decimalSep, $thousandsSep);
                $unit = ' KB';
                $number = number_format($number, 1, $decimalSep, $thousandsSep);
                $unit = ' bytes';

            // return $number, not $number.0 when the decimal is 0.
            if (substr($number, -2) == '.0')
                $number = substr($number, 0, -2);

            return $number . $unit;
            return number_format($number, $precision, $decimalSep, $thousandsSep);

now, i can't override the size part of it without editing it, anyway of knowing this will include sizes bigger than MB in future xf releases? (or ability to make a code event listener on xenforo_locale)
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