<xen:checkboxunit>, <xen:options> and checked...

Liam W

in memoriam 1998-2020
I have this in an admin template:

<xen:checkboxunit label="{xen:phrase liam_walc_prod_add_ug}:" name="usergroups">
        <xen:options source="$usergroups" checked="$product.usergroups" />
        <xen:explain>{xen:phrase liam_walc_prod_add_ug_exp}</xen:explain>

$products.usergroups is an array, like so (using the dump template helper):

array(2) {
  [0] => string(1) "3"
  [1] => string(1) "1"

The checkboxes show fine, but none of them are selected, even with the array above.

Any idea as to why? It's got me stumped...

Ok, this really is starting to annoy me now, it's happening with a different set of data as well...

What am I doing wrong?!?!?

Ok, figured it out...

The source array should contain a checked key, to tell if it should be checked or not.

The checked entry does nothing...

Im using the checkbox option, and having trouble getting the boxes check as well, what should the array look like.

Liam W said:
The _render method in the XenForo_Option_NodeChooser class expects there to be only one selected node, so it expects the value to be a single unsigned integer node_id.

As you're passing it an array, it doesn't work.

You would have to create your own standalone method to add in this option.
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