Liam W
in memoriam 1998-2020
I have this in an admin template:
$products.usergroups is an array, like so (using the dump template helper):
The checkboxes show fine, but none of them are selected, even with the array above.
Any idea as to why? It's got me stumped...
<xen:checkboxunit label="{xen:phrase liam_walc_prod_add_ug}:" name="usergroups">
<xen:options source="$usergroups" checked="$product.usergroups" />
<xen:explain>{xen:phrase liam_walc_prod_add_ug_exp}</xen:explain>
$products.usergroups is an array, like so (using the dump template helper):
array(2) {
[0] => string(1) "3"
[1] => string(1) "1"
The checkboxes show fine, but none of them are selected, even with the array above.
Any idea as to why? It's got me stumped...